| SUMMARY = "Test::Warn - Perl extension to test methods for warnings" |
| DESCRIPTION = "This module provides a few convenience methods for testing \ |
| warning based code. \ |
| \ |
| If you are not already familiar with the Test::More manpage now would be \ |
| the time to go take a look. \ |
| " |
| |
| SECTION = "libs" |
| HOMEPAGE= "https://metacpan.org/release/Test-Warn" |
| |
| LICENSE = "Artistic-1.0 | GPL-1.0-or-later" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://README;beginline=73;endline=78;md5=42b423d91c92ba59c215835a2ee9b57a" |
| |
| CPAN_PACKAGE = "Test-Warn" |
| |
| SRC_URI = "${CPAN_MIRROR}/authors/id/B/BI/${CPAN_AUTHOR}/${CPAN_PACKAGE}-${PV}.tar.gz" |
| |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "98ca32e7f2f5ea89b8bfb9a0609977f3d153e242e2e51705126cb954f1a06b57" |
| |
| S = "${WORKDIR}/${CPAN_PACKAGE}-${PV}" |
| |
| inherit cpan ptest-perl |
| |
| do_install_ptest() { |
| cp -r ${B}/blib ${D}${PTEST_PATH} |
| chown -R root:root ${D}${PTEST_PATH} |
| } |
| |
| RDEPENDS:${PN} += " \ |
| libsub-uplevel-perl \ |
| perl-module-blib \ |
| perl-module-carp \ |
| perl-module-test-builder \ |
| perl-module-test-builder-tester \ |
| perl-module-test-tester \ |
| " |
| |
| RDEPENDS:${PN}-ptest += " \ |
| perl-module-file-spec \ |
| perl-module-test-more \ |
| " |
| |
| BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk" |