blob: 9b08d1be8c31a28cba1a9146ff78a51ff4327402 [file] [log] [blame]
#@TYPE: Machine
#@NAME: zc702-zynq7
#@DESCRIPTION: Machine support for ZC702 Evaluation Board.
# For details on the Evaluation board:
# For documentation and design files for the ZC702:
# For the FSBL 'zynq_fsbl_0.elf' refer to UG873 and the associated design files.
require conf/machine/include/
require conf/machine/include/
require conf/machine/include/
require conf/machine/include/
require conf/machine/include/
MACHINE_FEATURES = "rtc ext2 ext3 vfat usbhost"
# u-boot configuration
UBOOT_MACHINE = "zynq_zc702_config"
SPL_BINARY = "spl/boot.bin"
u-boot-zynq-uenv \
virtual/boot-bin \
SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyPS0"
KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "zynq-zc702.dtb"
IMAGE_BOOT_FILES += "boot.bin uEnv.txt ${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}-zynq-zc702.dtb"
# Although not fully supported you can run this machine on the mainline QEMU 'xilinx-zynq-a9' machine
IMAGE_CLASSES += "qemuboot"
QB_MEM = "-m 1024"
QB_MACHINE = "-machine xilinx-zynq-a9"
QB_OPT_APPEND = "-nographic -serial null -serial mon:stdio"
QB_NETWORK_DEVICE = "-net nic,netdev=net0,macaddr=@MAC@"
# Xilinx's fork of QEMU has much better results, so let's default to that
# Use qemu-xilinx instead of mainline
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_qemu-helper-native = "qemu-xilinx-helper-native"
IMAGE_CLASSES += "qemuboot-xilinx"