blob: 31c6dd6be7d3ef11442b8f1b86ec87c9edac1511 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
# Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT)
from oeqa.core.exception import OEQAMissingVariable
from . import OETestDecorator, registerDecorator
def has_feature(td, feature):
Checks for feature in DISTRO_FEATURES or IMAGE_FEATURES.
if (feature in td.get('DISTRO_FEATURES', '') or
feature in td.get('IMAGE_FEATURES', '')):
return True
return False
class skipIfDataVar(OETestDecorator):
Skip test based on value of a data store's variable.
It will get the info of var from the data store and will
check it against value; if are equal it will skip the test
with msg as the reason.
attrs = ('var', 'value', 'msg')
def setUpDecorator(self):
msg = ('Checking if %r value is %r to skip test' %
(self.var, self.value))
if == self.value:
class skipIfNotDataVar(OETestDecorator):
Skip test based on value of a data store's variable.
It will get the info of var from the data store and will
check it against value; if are not equal it will skip the
test with msg as the reason.
attrs = ('var', 'value', 'msg')
def setUpDecorator(self):
msg = ('Checking if %r value is not %r to skip test' %
(self.var, self.value))
if not == self.value:
class skipIfNotInDataVar(OETestDecorator):
Skip test if value is not in data store's variable.
attrs = ('var', 'value', 'msg')
def setUpDecorator(self):
msg = ('Checking if %r value contains %r to run '
'the test' % (self.var, self.value))
if not self.value in ( or ""):
class OETestDataDepends(OETestDecorator):
attrs = ('td_depends',)
def setUpDecorator(self):
for v in self.td_depends:
value =[v]
except KeyError:
raise OEQAMissingVariable("Test case need %s variable but"\
" isn't into td" % v)
class skipIfNotFeature(OETestDecorator):
Skip test based on DISTRO_FEATURES.
value must be in distro features or it will skip the test
with msg as the reason.
attrs = ('value', 'msg')
def setUpDecorator(self):
msg = ('Checking if %s is in DISTRO_FEATURES '
'or IMAGE_FEATURES' % (self.value))
if not has_feature(, self.value):