blob: b0ce56127d8ddb8001ec0f2f61b64d2de94b5e05 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Cantarell, a Humanist sans-serif font family"
DESCRIPTION = "The Cantarell font typeface is designed as a \
contemporary Humanist sans serif, and was developed for \
on-screen reading; in particular, reading web pages on an \
HTC Dream mobile phone."
SECTION = "fonts"
LICENSE = "OFL-1.1 & Apache-2.0"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=fb1ef92b6909969a472a6ea3c4e99cb7"
inherit gnomebase meson allarch fontcache pkgconfig
SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "3d35db0ac03f9e6b0d5a53577591b714238985f4cfc31a0aa17f26cd74675e83"
# remove at next version upgrade or when output changes
PR = "r1"
EXTRA_OEMESON += "-Duseprebuilt=true -Dbuildappstream=false"
FILES_${PN} = "${datadir}/fonts ${datadir}/fontconfig"
# This isn't a GNOME-style version do gnome_verdir fails. Just return the
# version as that is how the directory is structured.
def gnome_verdir(v):
return v