meta-nuvoton: npcm8xx-tip-fw: update to


TIP_FW: 0.6.7 L0 0.5.6 L1
- Disable attestation.
- Fix Macronix issue: if BMC changes to wrong command
  set FIU_DRD_CFG RD_CMD back to a valid value.
- Move manifests to the end of the flash.
- Format manifests when needed.
- Enhance logging during malloc\stack failure.
- Increase BMC_task stack.
- Limit SKMT to 10 keys (final number TBD).
- Limit KMT to 4 keys (final number is TBD).
- Restore FIU_DRD_CFG (bug fix for Macronix flash).
- Total wipe: enhance logging.
- key_mask: instead of writing 1<<key_index to key_mask:
  IGPS sets the relevant bit without changing other bits in key_mask.

Build pass and boot up successful with correct TIP FW latest version.

Signed-off-by: Tim Lee <>
Change-Id: I694c38127f718e04200d27d15f632b077736d3f8
diff --git a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/
similarity index 63%
rename from meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/
rename to meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/
index bf7acc1..3275ec7 100644
--- a/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/
+++ b/meta-nuvoton/recipes-bsp/images/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SRCREV = "a01f053b639e6665c392e720eeab73edabe0d8d9"
+SRCREV = "65c421f6bd7efb96c1d95fcaaf13425129fba2c0"
 OUTPUT_BIN = "output_binaries_${DEVICE_GEN}_${IGPS_MACHINE}"