blob: 197b24235b2effdc6450055ef11528b64c1e5fab [file] [log] [blame]
# Writes build information to target filesystem on /etc/build
# Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation
# Author: Alejandro Enedino Hernandez Samaniego <>
# Licensed under the MIT license, see COPYING.MIT for details
# Usage: add INHERIT += "image-buildinfo" to your conf file
# Desired variables to display
# From buildhistory.bbclass
def image_buildinfo_outputvars(vars, listvars, d):
vars = vars.split()
listvars = listvars.split()
ret = ""
for var in vars:
value = d.getVar(var, True) or ""
if (d.getVarFlag(var, 'type', True) == "list"):
value = oe.utils.squashspaces(value)
ret += "%s = %s\n" % (var, value)
return ret.rstrip('\n')
# Gets git branch's status (clean or dirty)
def get_layer_git_status(path):
import subprocess
subprocess.check_output("cd %s; PSEUDO_UNLOAD=1 git diff --quiet --no-ext-diff" % path,
return ""
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, ex:
# Silently treat errors as "modified", without checking for the
# (expected) return code 1 in a modified git repo. For example, we get
# output and a 129 return code when a layer isn't a git repo at all.
return "-- modified"
# Returns layer revisions along with their respective status
def get_layer_revs(d):
layers = (d.getVar("BBLAYERS", True) or "").split()
medadata_revs = ["%-17s = %s:%s %s" % (os.path.basename(i), \
base_get_metadata_git_branch(i, None).strip(), \
base_get_metadata_git_revision(i, None), \
get_layer_git_status(i)) \
for i in layers]
return '\n'.join(medadata_revs)
def buildinfo_target(d):
# Get context
if d.getVar('BB_WORKERCONTEXT', True) != '1':
return ""
# Single and list variables to be read
vars = (d.getVar("IMAGE_BUILDINFO_VARS", True) or "")
listvars = (d.getVar("IMAGE_BUILDINFO_LVARS", True) or "")
return image_buildinfo_outputvars(vars, listvars, d)
# Write build information to target filesystem
python buildinfo () {
with open(d.expand('${IMAGE_ROOTFS}${sysconfdir}/build'), 'w') as build:
Build Configuration: |
Layer Revisions: |