meta-ampere: mtjade: configure SOL parameters

Since 29086950, phosphor-net-ipmid has updated the SOL parameters
by obtaining the attribute values of the
xyz.openbmc_project.Ipmi.SOL interface.
It is necessary to enable SOL by default on Mt.Jade with correct

1. ipmitool -I lanplus -H x -U x -P x -C 17 raw sol info
2. ipmitool -I lanplus -H x -U x -P x -C 17 sol activate
   ipmitool -I lanplus -H x -U x -P x -C 17 sol deactivate
   Use the above commands to successfully activate and deactivate SOL
3. Activate IPMI SOL and boot Host to Linux 5 times without

Signed-off-by: Thang Q. Nguyen <>
Change-Id: I8e4d0e06eaa9c8995cde27f17f0d0d274b553f0d
diff --git a/meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager/mtjade_settings.override.yml b/meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager/mtjade_settings.override.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7573716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager/mtjade_settings.override.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+    - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Ipmi.SOL
+      Properties:
+          Enable:
+              Default: 'true'
+          Privilege:
+              Default: 4
+          Progress:
+              Default: 0
+          RetryCount:
+              Default: 7
+          RetryIntervalMS:
+              Default: 100
+          Threshold:
+              Default: 1
+    - Interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Ipmi.SOL
+      Properties:
+          Enable:
+              Default: 'true'
+          Privilege:
+              Default: 4
+          Progress:
+              Default: 0
+          RetryCount:
+              Default: 7
+          RetryIntervalMS:
+              Default: 100
+          Threshold:
+              Default: 1
diff --git a/meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager_%.bbappend b/meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager_%.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d64eaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/settings/phosphor-settings-manager_%.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+SRC_URI:append:mtjade = " file://mtjade_settings.override.yml"