blob: 862c0ea3025414d8f0d3d5d87e7688699ee18e7f [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "gnome system tools backends"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504"
DEPENDS = "dbus dbus-glib glib-2.0 polkit"
inherit gnome pkgconfig update-rc.d gettext
SRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = "edae148b31342aecae035051adc70c74"
SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "1dbe5177df46a9c7250735e05e77129fe7ec04840771accfa87690111ca2c670"
SRC_URI += " \
file://system-tools-backends \
# This needs to move to meta-angstrom
SRC_URI_append_angstrom = " \
file://add-angstrom-distro.patch \
EXTRA_OECONF = " --with-net-dbus=${libdir}/perl5 "
do_configure() {
rm missing || true
automake --add-missing
sed -i -e 's:CC=$(CC):CC="$(CC)":g' ${S}/Net-DBus/
sed -i -e 's:CC=$(CC):CC="$(CC)":g' ${S}/Net-DBus/
libtoolize --force --install
do_install_append () {
install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d
install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/system-tools-backends ${D}/${sysconfdir}/init.d/
INITSCRIPT_NAME = "system-tools-backends"
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 50 2 3 4 5 . stop 70 1 ."
# Shadow added so there is a full adduser/deluser
# (Gnome images tend to pull in shadow anyway)
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "shadow"
FILES_${PN} += " ${sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d"
FILES_${PN} += " ${libdir}/pkgconfig"
FILES_${PN} += " ${datadir}/dbus-1/system-services"
FILES_${PN} += " ${datadir}/system-tools-backends-2.0/files"
FILES_${PN} += " ${datadir}/system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts"
FILES_${PN} += " ${datadir}/polkit*"
PNBLACKLIST[system-tools-backends] ?= "does not build with distroless qemuarm as reported in 'State of bitbake world' thread, nobody volunteered to fix them - the recipe will be removed on 2017-09-01 unless the issue is fixed"