blob: 6869ba91c0965fdec76c9036b66e2e12a3894bfc [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "JSON-GLib implements a full JSON parser using GLib and GObject"
DESCRIPTION = "Use JSON-GLib it is possible to parse and generate valid JSON\
data structures, using a DOM-like API. JSON-GLib also offers GObject \
integration, providing the ability to serialize and deserialize GObject \
instances to and from JSON data types."
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=7fbc338309ac38fefcd64b04bb903e34"
DEPENDS = "glib-2.0"
SRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = "c1daefb8d0fb59612af0c072c8aabb58"
SRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = "ea128ab52a824fcd06e5448fbb2bd8d9a13740d51c66d445828edba71321a621"
inherit gnomebase gettext lib_package gobject-introspection gtk-doc manpages
PACKAGECONFIG[manpages] = "--enable-man --with-xml-catalog=${STAGING_ETCDIR_NATIVE}/xml/catalog.xml, --disable-man, libxslt-native xmlto-native"
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"