blob: 7c748bc49bec47df03ed5213f6cd213aa0fb7be0 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "Support for assertion checking and logging in GNU C/C++"
DESCRIPTION = "GNU Nana is a free library providing improved support for assertion\
checking (as in assert.h) and logging (printf style debugging) in \
GNU C and C++."
SECTION = "Development/Languages/C and C++"
PV = "2.5+git"
SRCREV = "6d70617db8b9972e6c1008265fc228aba91c2042"
SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=master \
file:// \
file:// \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
LICENSE = "BSD-2-Clause"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=16aa57f3b7fdda870cee597275bd5d11"
inherit autotools pkgconfig texinfo
do_configure:prepend() {
# make distclean but in ${S}
rm -rf ${S}/src/*.o ${S}/src/.deps \
${S}/Makefile ${S}/config.log ${S}/config.status \
${S}/doc/Makefile ${S}/doc/nana.pdf \
${S}/emacs/Makefile ${S}/examples/Makefile \
${S}/gdb/Makefile ${S}/gdb/nana-libtrace ${S}/gdb/nana-trace \
${S}/man/Makefile ${S}/perf/Makefile \
${S}/shortform/Makefile ${S}/shortform/nana-sfdir ${S}/shortform/nana-sfg \
${S}/src/Makefile ${S}/src/libnana.a \
${S}/src/nana ${S}/src/nana-c++lg ${S}/src/nana-clg ${S}/src/nana-config.h ${S}/src/nana-run ${S}/src/nanafilter \
${S}/test/Makefile ${S}/test/gammon
do_configure:prepend:class-nativesdk() {
sed -i -e 's:@CPP@:\$\{CXX\} \$\{CXXFLAGS\} \-E:g' ${S}/src/
sed -i -e 's:@CC@:\$\{CC\} \$\{CFLAGS\} \-E:g' ${S}/src/
sed -i -e 's:@CXX@::g' ${S}/src/
sed -i -e 's:@GDB@:\$\{GDB\}:g' ${S}/src/
BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"