blob: c4bb94e5dcf6fc2b3a7f9cff518e5cd85be9f681 [file] [log] [blame]
SUMMARY = "1-Wire file system"
DESCRIPTION = "OWFS is an easy way to use the powerful 1-wire system of Dallas/Maxim"
SECTION = "console/network"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=628b867016631792781a8735a04760e5 \
DEPENDS = "fuse virtual/libusb0"
# v3.2p3
SRCREV = "3744375dfaa350e31c9b360eb1e1a517bbeb5c47"
SRC_URI = "git://;branch=master;protocol=https \
file://0001-Add-build-rule-for-README.patch \
file://0001-Fix-compilation-with-GCC10.patch \
file://owhttpd \
file://owserver \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit autotools-brokensep update-rc.d pkgconfig systemd
--with-fuseinclude=${STAGING_INCDIR} \
--with-fuselib=${STAGING_LIBDIR} \
--enable-owfs \
--enable-owhttpd \
--enable-w1 \
--disable-swig \
--disable-owtcl \
--disable-owphp \
--disable-owpython \
--disable-owperl \
do_install:prepend() {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/
install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/owhttpd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/owhttpd
install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/owserver ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/owserver
PACKAGES =+ "owftpd owhttpd owserver owshell libowcapi libow libownet owmon owtap"
DESCRIPTION:owftpd = "Anoymous FTP server for 1-wire access"
DESCRIPTION:owhttpd = "Tiny webserver for 1-wire control"
DESCRIPTION:owserver = "Backend server (daemon) for 1-wire control"
DESCRIPTION:owshell = "owdir owread owwrite owpresent owget - lightweight owserver access"
DESCRIPTION:libowcapi = "easy C-language 1-wire interface "
DESCRIPTION:libow = "easy C-language 1-wire interface to the owserver protocol"
DESCRIPTION:libownet = "easy C-language 1-wire interface to the owserver protocol"
DESCRIPTION:owmon = "Monitor for owserver settings and statistics"
DESCRIPTION:owtap = "Packet sniffer for the owserver protocol"
FILES:owftpd = "${bindir}/owftpd ${systemd_system_unitdir}/owftpd.service"
FILES:owhttpd = "${bindir}/owhttpd ${sysconfdir}/init.d/owhttpd \
FILES:owserver = "${bindir}/owserver ${sysconfdir}/init.d/owserver \
${systemd_system_unitdir}/owserver.service \
FILES:owshell = "${bindir}/owread ${bindir}/owwrite \
${bindir}/owdir ${bindir}/owpresent \
${bindir}/owget ${bindir}/owside"
FILES:owmon = "${bindir}/owmon"
FILES:owtap = "${bindir}/owtap"
FILES:libowcapi = "${libdir}/libowcapi-*"
FILES:libow = "${libdir}/libow-*"
FILES:libownet = "${libdir}/libownet-*"
FILES:${PN} += "${systemd_system_unitdir}/owfs.service"
INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES = "owhttpd owserver"
INITSCRIPT_NAME:owserver = "owserver"
INITSCRIPT_NAME:owhttpd = "owhttpd"
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:owserver = "defaults 20"
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:owhttpd = "defaults 21"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN} = "owfs.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-owftpd = "owftpd.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-owhttpd = "owhttpd.service"
SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-owserver = "owserver.service owserver.socket"