blob: 78dabd73694dd73d1bbc0af045814a5f082b1272 [file] [log] [blame]
# Image class to write .fvpconf files for use with runfvp. If this is desired
# then add fvpboot to IMAGE_CLASSES, and set the variables below in your machine
# configuration as appropriate.
# Name of recipe providing FVP executable. If unset then the executable must be installed on the host.
# Name of FVP executable to run
FVP_EXE ?= ""
# Flags for --parameter/-C
# Flags for --data
FVP_DATA ?= ""
# Flags for --application
# Flags to name serial terminals. Flag name is the terminal id (such as
# terminal_0), value is a human-readable name. If the name is not set
# then runfvp will hide the terminal.
# What terminal should be considered the primary console
# Flags for console names, as they appear in the FVP output. Flag name is an
# application-specific id for the console for use in test cases
# Arbitrary extra arguments
# Bitbake variables to pass to the FVP environment
IMAGE_CLASSES += "image-artifact-names"
IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND += "do_write_fvpboot_conf;"
python do_write_fvpboot_conf() {
# Note that currently this JSON file is in development and the format may
# change at any point, so it should always be used with a matching runfvp.
import json, shlex
if not d.getVar("FVP_EXE"):
conffile = os.path.join(d.getVar("IMGDEPLOYDIR"), d.getVar("IMAGE_NAME") + ".fvpconf")
conffile_link = os.path.join(d.getVar("IMGDEPLOYDIR"), d.getVar("IMAGE_LINK_NAME") + ".fvpconf")
data = {}
provider = d.getVar("FVP_PROVIDER")
if provider:
data["provider"] = provider
data["fvp-bindir"] = os.path.join(d.getVar("COMPONENTS_DIR"),
"usr", "bin")
def getFlags(varname):
flags = d.getVarFlags(varname)
# For unexplained reasons, getVarFlags() returns None if there are no flags
if flags is None:
return {}
# For other reasons, you can't pass expand=True
return {key: d.expand(value) for key, value in flags.items()}
data["exe"] = d.getVar("FVP_EXE")
data["parameters"] = getFlags("FVP_CONFIG")
data["data"] = shlex.split(d.getVar("FVP_DATA") or "")
data["applications"] = getFlags("FVP_APPLICATIONS")
data["consoles"] = getFlags("FVP_CONSOLES")
data["terminals"] = getFlags("FVP_TERMINALS")
data["args"] = shlex.split(d.getVar("FVP_EXTRA_ARGS") or "")
data["env"] = {}
for var in d.getVar("FVP_ENV_PASSTHROUGH").split():
data["env"][var] = d.getVar(var)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(conffile), exist_ok=True)
with open(conffile, "wt") as f:
json.dump(data, f)
if conffile_link != conffile:
if os.path.lexists(conffile_link):
os.symlink(os.path.basename(conffile), conffile_link)
def fvpboot_vars(d):
vars.extend((k for k in d.keys() if k.startswith('FVP_')))
return " ".join(vars)
do_write_fvpboot_conf[vardeps] += "${@fvpboot_vars(d)}"