blob: 0c5d1869ab46af77058eda003d9cfe43b8e64dec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import sys
from oeqa.core.context import OETestContext, OETestContextExecutor
from import OESSHTarget
from import OEQemuTarget
from oeqa.utils.dump import HostDumper
from oeqa.runtime.loader import OERuntimeTestLoader
class OERuntimeTestContext(OETestContext):
loaderClass = OERuntimeTestLoader
runtime_files_dir = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "files")
def __init__(self, td, logger, target,
host_dumper, image_packages, extract_dir):
super(OERuntimeTestContext, self).__init__(td, logger) = target
self.image_packages = image_packages
self.host_dumper = host_dumper
self.extract_dir = extract_dir
def _set_target_cmds(self):
self.target_cmds = {}
self.target_cmds['ps'] = 'ps'
if 'procps' in self.image_packages:
self.target_cmds['ps'] = self.target_cmds['ps'] + ' -ef'
class OERuntimeTestContextExecutor(OETestContextExecutor):
_context_class = OERuntimeTestContext
name = 'runtime'
help = 'runtime test component'
description = 'executes runtime tests over targets'
default_cases = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
default_data = None
default_test_data = 'data/testdata.json'
default_tests = ''
default_json_result_dir = '%s-results' % name
default_target_type = 'simpleremote'
default_manifest = 'data/manifest'
default_server_ip = ''
default_target_ip = ''
default_extract_dir = 'packages/extracted'
def register_commands(self, logger, subparsers):
super(OERuntimeTestContextExecutor, self).register_commands(logger, subparsers)
runtime_group = self.parser.add_argument_group('runtime options')
runtime_group.add_argument('--target-type', action='store',
default=self.default_target_type, choices=['simpleremote', 'qemu'],
help="Target type of device under test, default: %s" \
% self.default_target_type)
runtime_group.add_argument('--target-ip', action='store',
help="IP address and optionally ssh port (default 22) of device under test, for example ''. Default: %s" \
% self.default_target_ip)
runtime_group.add_argument('--server-ip', action='store',
help="IP address of the test host from test target machine, default: %s" \
% self.default_server_ip)
runtime_group.add_argument('--host-dumper-dir', action='store',
help="Directory where host status is dumped, if tests fails")
runtime_group.add_argument('--packages-manifest', action='store',
help="Package manifest of the image under test, default: %s" \
% self.default_manifest)
runtime_group.add_argument('--extract-dir', action='store',
help='Directory where extracted packages reside, default: %s' \
% self.default_extract_dir)
runtime_group.add_argument('--qemu-boot', action='store',
help="Qemu boot configuration, only needed when target_type is QEMU.")
def getTarget(target_type, logger, target_ip, server_ip, **kwargs):
target = None
if target_ip:
target_ip_port = target_ip.split(':')
if len(target_ip_port) == 2:
target_ip = target_ip_port[0]
kwargs['port'] = target_ip_port[1]
if server_ip:
server_ip_port = server_ip.split(':')
if len(server_ip_port) == 2:
server_ip = server_ip_port[0]
kwargs['server_port'] = int(server_ip_port[1])
if target_type == 'simpleremote':
target = OESSHTarget(logger, target_ip, server_ip, **kwargs)
elif target_type == 'qemu':
target = OEQemuTarget(logger, server_ip, **kwargs)
# XXX: This code uses the old naming convention for controllers and
# targets, the idea it is to leave just targets as the controller
# most of the time was just a wrapper.
# XXX: This code tries to import modules from lib/oeqa/controllers
# directory and treat them as controllers, it will less error prone
# to use introspection to load such modules.
# XXX: Don't base your targets on this code it will be refactored
# in the near future.
# Custom target module loading
controller = OERuntimeTestContextExecutor.getControllerModule(target_type)
target = controller(logger, target_ip, server_ip, **kwargs)
return target
# Search oeqa.controllers module directory for and return a controller
# corresponding to the given target name.
# AttributeError raised if not found.
# ImportError raised if a provided module can not be imported.
def getControllerModule(target):
controllerslist = OERuntimeTestContextExecutor._getControllerModulenames()
controller = OERuntimeTestContextExecutor._loadControllerFromName(target, controllerslist)
return controller
# Return a list of all python modules in lib/oeqa/controllers for each
# layer in bbpath
def _getControllerModulenames():
controllerslist = []
def add_controller_list(path):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')):
raise OSError('Controllers directory %s exists but is missing' % path)
files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.py') and not f.startswith('_') and not f.startswith('.#')])
for f in files:
module = 'oeqa.controllers.' + f[:-3]
if module not in controllerslist:
raise RuntimeError("Duplicate controller module found for %s. Layers should create unique controller module names" % module)
# sys.path can contain duplicate paths, but because of the login in
# add_controller_list this doesn't work and causes testimage to abort.
# Remove duplicates using an intermediate dictionary to ensure this
# doesn't happen.
for p in list(dict.fromkeys(sys.path)):
controllerpath = os.path.join(p, 'oeqa', 'controllers')
if os.path.exists(controllerpath):
return controllerslist
# Search for and return a controller from given target name and
# set of module names.
# Raise AttributeError if not found.
# Raise ImportError if a provided module can not be imported
def _loadControllerFromName(target, modulenames):
for name in modulenames:
obj = OERuntimeTestContextExecutor._loadControllerFromModule(target, name)
if obj:
return obj
raise AttributeError("Unable to load {0} from available modules: {1}".format(target, str(modulenames)))
# Search for and return a controller or None from given module name
def _loadControllerFromModule(target, modulename):
import importlib
module = importlib.import_module(modulename)
return getattr(module, target)
except AttributeError:
return None
def readPackagesManifest(manifest):
if not manifest or not os.path.exists(manifest):
raise OSError("Manifest file not exists: %s" % manifest)
image_packages = set()
with open(manifest, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line and not line.startswith("#"):
return image_packages
def getHostDumper(cmds, directory):
return HostDumper(cmds, directory)
def _process_args(self, logger, args):
if not args.packages_manifest:
raise TypeError('Manifest file not provided')
super(OERuntimeTestContextExecutor, self)._process_args(logger, args)
target_kwargs = {}
target_kwargs['qemuboot'] = args.qemu_boot
self.tc_kwargs['init']['target'] = \
None, args.target_ip, args.server_ip, **target_kwargs)
self.tc_kwargs['init']['host_dumper'] = \
self.tc_kwargs['init']['image_packages'] = \
self.tc_kwargs['init']['extract_dir'] = args.extract_dir
_executor_class = OERuntimeTestContextExecutor