meta-fii: meta-mori: Fix gpio functions

The functions in return the wrong values for get_gpio_num
and get_gpio_ctrl. get_gpio_num is not prepared to handle a device that
has more than 1 gpiobank associated with it. get_gpio_ctrl is dependent
on get_gpio_num to retrieve the correct identifying number for the gpio,
and the path location of the gpio state differs for gpios added by some
devices compared to the norm. is modify to account for these

Tested: I ran on real machine and checked that a gpio added by each type
of device is capable of being read with get_gpio_ctrl without error.

Signed-off-by: Kyle Nieman <>
Change-Id: I212ae4f14bbb57b9643befd0aadd8ac5ef4726da
diff --git a/meta-fii/meta-mori/recipes-mori/mori-fw-utility/mori-fw/ b/meta-fii/meta-mori/recipes-mori/mori-fw-utility/mori-fw/
index e96b329..3054321 100644
--- a/meta-fii/meta-mori/recipes-mori/mori-fw-utility/mori-fw/
+++ b/meta-fii/meta-mori/recipes-mori/mori-fw-utility/mori-fw/
@@ -16,8 +16,30 @@
     if [ "${CHIP_PIN[0]}" -gt 7 ]; then
-        BUS_ADDR=$(gpiodetect | grep gpiochip"${CHIP_PIN[0]}" | awk '{print substr($2, 2, length($2) - 2)}')
-        GPIO_BASE=$(cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/"$BUS_ADDR"/gpio/*/base)
+        BUS_ADDR=$(gpiodetect | grep gpiochip"${CHIP_PIN[0]}" | \
+                   grep -o '\[.*]' | tr -d ' \[\]')
+        GPIO_BASE_DIR=$(cd /sys/bus/i2c/devices/"$BUS_ADDR"/gpio/ || \
+                        exit; ls -1 -v)
+        # Check that there is a single gpiobank per i2c device
+        GPIO_BANKS=$(cd /sys/bus/i2c/devices/"$BUS_ADDR"/ || \
+                     exit ;  ls -1 -d -v gpiochip*)
+        # Determine which GPIO_BASE to use based on the place of the GPIO_BANK
+        # in comparision to GPIO_BANKS
+        # gpiochip# is set in reverse order of numbering for location of
+        # GPIO_BASE_DIR
+        count=$(echo "$GPIO_BANKS" | wc -w)
+        for X in ${GPIO_BANKS}
+        do
+            if [[ $(gpiofind "$1" | cut -d " " -f 1) == "$X" ]]; then
+                # Used to select the correct GPIO_BASE value
+                #shellcheck disable=SC2086
+                GPIO_BASE_DIR=$(echo ${GPIO_BASE_DIR} | cut -d " " -f $count)
+                break
+            fi
+            count=$((count-1))
+        done
+        tmp="/sys/bus/i2c/devices/$BUS_ADDR/gpio/${GPIO_BASE_DIR[0]}/base"
+        GPIO_BASE=$(cat "$tmp")
         echo "$((GPIO_BASE+CHIP_PIN[1]))"
         echo "$((CHIP_PIN[0]*32+CHIP_PIN[1]))"
@@ -36,7 +58,12 @@
 function get_gpio_ctrl() {
     GPIO_NUM=$(get_gpio_num "$1")
     echo "$GPIO_NUM" > /sys/class/gpio/export
-    cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio"$GPIO_NUM"/value
+    # GPIOs added by drivers use different path for value most but not all
+    # drivers follow this trend
+    # Try reading like traditional GPIO, if fails, try reading in driver format
+    if ! cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio"$GPIO_NUM"/value 2> /dev/null ; then
+        cat /sys/class/gpio/"$1"/value
+    fi
     echo "$GPIO_NUM" > /sys/class/gpio/unexport