blob: 836ec70b6fa64aebb68a190d06d7d797b67ad12d [file] [log] [blame]
shopt -s nullglob
# We want to iterate over all system users, check if they are opted-in to ssh
# authorized_keys building, and then construct their keyfile
while read -r user; do
home="$(eval echo "~$user")" || continue
link="$(readlink "$home"/.ssh/authorized_keys 2>/dev/null)" || continue
# Users are only opted-in if they symlink to our well-known directory where
# the final output of this script lives.
if [[ $link != "/run/authorized_keys/$user" ]]; then
echo "Ignoring $user $home/.ssh/authorized_keys" >&2
echo "Updating $link" >&2
declare -A basemap=()
declare -a dirs=(
# Build a map that can be used for sorting directories by their priority
# and prioritizing the last listed directories over the later ones. We
# append a counter to ensure that there is a stable sorting mechanism for
# duplicate filenames. Duplicate filenames will be overridden by higher
# priority directories.
# Ex.
# /usr/share/authorized_keys.d/root/10-key
# /usr/share/authorized_keys.d/root/15-key
# /run/authorized_keys.d/root/10-key
# /run/authorized_keys.d/root/20-key
# Becomes
# ["10-key"]="/run/authorized_keys.d/root/10-key"
# ["15-key"]="/usr/share/authorized_keys.d/root/15-key"
# ["20-key"]="/run/authorized_keys.d/root/20-key"
for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do
for file in "$dir"/*; do
rm -f /run/authorized_keys.tmp
touch /run/authorized_keys.tmp
for key in $(printf "%s\n" "${!basemap[@]}" | sort -r); do
echo " Including ${basemap[$key]}" >&2
cat "${basemap[$key]}" >>/run/authorized_keys.tmp
mkdir -p /run/authorized_keys
mv /run/authorized_keys.tmp /run/authorized_keys/"$user"
chown "$user" /run/authorized_keys/"$user"
done < <(cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd)