meta-google: image_type_hoth

This is Google's internal method for dealing with hoth and image sizes.
No changes are expected for any non-Google projects.

Change-Id: I2b66763e0fdc1cd019c2d774134290788228982b
Signed-off-by: John Edward Broadbent <>
diff --git a/meta-google/classes/image_types_hoth.bbclass b/meta-google/classes/image_types_hoth.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0db4183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-google/classes/image_types_hoth.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# The offsets of the partitions that change when Hoth is enabled
+# From the device tree, in kB
+FLASH_IMAGE_DESC_OFFSET:npcm7xx:hoth = "${@960 if FLASH_SIZE == '65536' else 7232}"
+FLASH_HOTH_UPDATE_OFFSET:npcm7xx:hoth = "${@1024 if FLASH_SIZE == '65536' else 31744}"
+FLASH_HOTH_MAILBOX_OFFSET:npcm7xx:hoth = "${@65472 if FLASH_SIZE == '65536' else 7168}"
+python do_generate_static:append() {
+    _append_image(os.path.join(d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE', True),
+                               'image-hoth-update'),
+                  int(d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_UPDATE_OFFSET', True)),
+                  int(d.getVar('FLASH_SIZE', True)))
+do_generate_static[depends] += "virtual/hoth-firmware:do_deploy"
+python do_generate_layout () {
+    import time
+    import json
+    def convertPart(name, startKb, endKb, static=False, wp=False, persist=False):
+        regionTypes = []
+        extraAttrs = {}
+        if static:
+            regionTypes.append('STATIC')
+        if wp:
+            regionTypes.append('WRITE_PROTECTED')
+        if persist:
+            regionTypes.append('PERSISTENT')
+        if name == 'hoth_mailbox':
+            regionTypes.append('MAILBOX')
+            extraAttrs['mailbox_length'] = 1024
+        start = int(startKb) * 1024
+        end = int(endKb) * 1024
+        return {
+                'name': name,
+                'offset': start,
+                'length': end - start,
+                'region_type': regionTypes,
+                **extraAttrs,
+        }
+    # TODO: make this work for Aspeed too
+    region = [
+            convertPart(
+                    'u_boot',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_UBOOT_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_IMAGE_DESC_OFFSET'),
+                    static=True,
+                    wp=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'image_descriptor',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_IMAGE_DESC_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_UPDATE_OFFSET'),
+                    static=True,
+                    wp=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'hoth_update',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_UPDATE_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_KERNEL_OFFSET')),
+            convertPart(
+                    'kernel',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_KERNEL_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_ROFS_OFFSET'),
+                    static=True,
+                    wp=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'rofs',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_ROFS_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_RWFS_OFFSET'),
+                    static=True,
+                    wp=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'rwfs',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_RWFS_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_MAILBOX_OFFSET'),
+                    persist=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'hoth_mailbox',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_MAILBOX_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_SIZE')),
+    ] if d.getVar('FLASH_SIZE') == '65536' else [
+            convertPart(
+                    'u_boot',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_UBOOT_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_KERNEL_OFFSET'),
+                    static=True,
+                    wp=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'kernel',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_KERNEL_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_MAILBOX_OFFSET'),
+                    static=True,
+                    wp=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'hoth_mailbox',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_MAILBOX_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_IMAGE_DESC_OFFSET')),
+            convertPart(
+                    'image_descriptor',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_IMAGE_DESC_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_ROFS_OFFSET'),
+                    static=True,
+                    wp=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'rofs',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_ROFS_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_RWFS_OFFSET'),
+                    static=True,
+                    wp=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'rwfs',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_RWFS_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_UPDATE_OFFSET'),
+                    persist=True),
+            convertPart(
+                    'hoth_update',
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_HOTH_UPDATE_OFFSET'),
+                    d.getVar('FLASH_SIZE')),
+    ]
+    machine = d.getVar('MACHINE')
+    platform = d.getVar('PLATFORM')
+    name = '{} {} image'.format(machine, d.getVar('DISTRO'))
+    version = d.getVar('GBMC_VERSION').split('.')
+    if not platform:
+        raise NameError('PLATFORM not found, unable to generate layout, stopping build')
+    layout = {
+            'name': name,
+            'major': int(version[0]),
+            'minor': int(version[1]),
+            'point': int(version[2]),
+            'subpoint': int(version[3]),
+            'platform': platform,
+            'flash_capacity': int(d.getVar('FLASH_SIZE')) * 1024,
+            'build_timestamp': int(time.time()),
+            'region': region,
+    }
+    dir = d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE')
+    os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
+    path = os.path.join(dir, 'cr51-image-layout.json')
+    with open(path, 'w') as f:
+        json.dump(layout, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+addtask generate_layout before do_image_complete