blob: b5fb2b0f04d64639d77459f74bb0c50e2d7b8c80 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Get target branch from the corresponding mbox
# NOTE: this script was based on patches coming to the openembedded-core
# where target branch is defined inside brackets as subject prefix
# i.e. [master], [rocko], etc.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
import mailbox
import argparse
import re
import git
re_prefix = re.compile("(\[.*\])", re.DOTALL)
def get_branch(filepath_repo, filepath_mbox, default_branch):
branch = None
# get all remotes branches
gitbranches = git.Git(filepath_repo).branch('-a').splitlines()
# from gitbranches, just get the names
branches = [b.split('/')[-1] for b in gitbranches]
subject = ' '.join(mailbox.mbox(filepath_mbox)[0]['subject'].splitlines())
# we expect that patches will have somewhere between one and three
# consecutive sets of square brackets with tokens inside, e.g.:
# 1. [PATCH]
# 2. [OE-core][PATCH]
# 3. [OE-core][kirkstone][PATCH]
# Some of them may also be part of a series, in which case the PATCH
# token will be formatted like:
# [PATCH 1/4]
# or they will be revisions to previous patches, where it will be:
# [PATCH v2]
# Or they may contain both:
# [PATCH v2 3/4]
# In any case, we want mprefix to contain all of these tokens so
# that we can search for branch names within them.
mprefix = re.findall(r'\[.*?\]', subject)
found_branch = None
if mprefix:
# Iterate over the tokens and compare against the branch list to
# figure out which one the patch is targeting
for token in mprefix:
stripped = token.lower().strip('[]')
if default_branch in stripped:
found_branch = default_branch
for branch in branches:
# ignore branches named "core"
if branch != "core" and stripped.rfind(branch) != -1:
found_branch = token.split(' ')[0].strip('[]')
# if there's no mprefix content or no known branches were found in
# the tokens, assume the target is master
if found_branch is None:
found_branch = "master"
return (subject, found_branch)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('repo', metavar='REPO', help='Main repository')
parser.add_argument('mbox', metavar='MBOX', help='mbox filename')
parser.add_argument('--default-branch', metavar='DEFAULT_BRANCH', default='master', help='Use this branch if no one is found')
parser.add_argument('--separator', '-s', metavar='SEPARATOR', default=' ', help='Char separator for output data')
args = parser.parse_args()
subject, branch = get_branch(args.repo, args.mbox, args.default_branch)
print("branch: %s" % branch)