blob: 1e0682f8e7e270ea33eb907da3036b122464ecf1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Set all fans to pwm mode.
# Provide source directive to shellcheck.
# shellcheck source=meta-fii/meta-kudo/recipes-kudo/kudo-fw-utility/kudo-fw/
source /usr/libexec/kudo-fw/
# Set all pwm_enable to 1
find /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/ -name 'pwm*_enable' -exec bash -c 'echo "$1" && echo 1 > "$1" && cat "$1"' -- {} \;
for i in {0..5}
fan_pwm_rate_of_change=0x$(printf '%02x' $((8 + i)) | \
awk '{print $1}')
# Set Fan PWM Rate-of-Change Bits(bits 4:2) to 000b
# Register 08h to 0Dh
oriRegVal=$(i2cget -y -f "${I2C_FANCTRL[0]}" 0x"${I2C_FANCTRL[1]}" \
updateVal=$((oriRegVal & 0xe3))
updateVal=0x$(printf "%x" ${updateVal})
i2cset -y -f "${I2C_FANCTRL[0]}" 0x"${I2C_FANCTRL[1]}" \
"${fan_pwm_rate_of_change}" "${updateVal}"