blob: bcfa36101032d746016dff0f622ea67b6946ff57 [file] [log] [blame]
if [ ! -f "/etc/openwbem/serverkey.pem" ]; then
if [ -f "/etc/ssl/servercerts/servercert.pem" \
-a -f "/etc/ssl/servercerts/serverkey.pem" ]; then
echo "Using common server certificate /etc/ssl/servercerts/servercert.pem"
ln -s /etc/ssl/servercerts/server{cert,key}.pem /etc/openwbem/
echo "FAILED: Starting OpenWBEM server"
echo "There is no ssl server key available for OpenWBEM server to use."
echo -e "Please generate one with the following script and start the OpenWBEM service again:\n"
echo "##################################"
echo "/etc/openwbem/owgencert"
echo "================================="
echo "NOTE: The script uses /dev/random device for generating some random bits while generating the server key."
echo " If this takes too long, you can replace the value of \"RANDFILE\" in /etc/openwsman/ssleay.cnf with /dev/urandom. Please understand the implications"
exit 1