blob: afbed8e55089be7f64f86cfa42af501ab3ea449d [file] [log] [blame]
There is no need to "suck in" the apr/apr-util symbols when using
a shared libapr{,util}, it just bloats the symbol table; so don't.
Upstream-HEAD: needed
Upstream-2.0: omit
Upstream-Status: Pending
Note: EXPORT_DIRS change is conditional on using shared apr
--- httpd-2.4.4/server/
+++ httpd-2.4.4/server/
@@ -57,9 +57,6 @@ export_files:
( for dir in $(EXPORT_DIRS); do \
ls $$dir/*.h ; \
done; \
- for dir in $(EXPORT_DIRS_APR); do \
- ls $$dir/ap[ru].h $$dir/ap[ru]_*.h 2>/dev/null; \
- done; \
) | sed -e s,//,/,g | sort -u > $@
exports.c: export_files