blob: 55b35b53e54b2d04a259deecd4cbb69d78e1573e [file] [log] [blame]
python () {
if d.getVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_qemu-helper-native") != d.getVar("PN"):
raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("Set qemu-helper-native provider to use this recipe")
def get_filespath_extra(d, subpath):
metaroot = next((p for p in d.getVar('BBPATH').split(':') if os.path.basename(p) == 'meta'), None)
if metaroot:
return os.path.join(metaroot, subpath) + ":"
return ""
# TODO: improve this, since it is very hacky that this recipe need to build tunctl.
# include the existing qemu-helper-native
require recipes-devtools/qemu/
# get the path to tunctl.c
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${@get_filespath_extra(d, 'recipes-devtools/qemu/qemu-helper')}"
# provide it, to replace the existing
PROVIDES += "qemu-helper-native"
# replace qemu with qemu-xilinx
DEPENDS_remove = "qemu-native"
DEPENDS_append = " \
qemu-xilinx-native \
qemu-xilinx-multiarch-helper-native \