blob: 25c3396717e442e834feada12b459aa0e0e65e37 [file] [log] [blame]
# resulttool - Show logs
# Copyright (c) 2019 Garmin International
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
import os
import resulttool.resultutils as resultutils
def show_ptest(result, ptest, logger):
if 'ptestresult.sections' in result:
if ptest in result['ptestresult.sections'] and 'log' in result['ptestresult.sections'][ptest]:
return 0
print("ptest '%s' not found" % ptest)
return 1
def log(args, logger):
results = resultutils.load_resultsdata(args.source)
ptest_count = sum(1 for _, _, _, r in resultutils.test_run_results(results) if 'ptestresult.sections' in r)
if ptest_count > 1 and not args.prepend_run:
print("%i ptest sections found. '--prepend-run' is required" % ptest_count)
return 1
for _, run_name, _, r in resultutils.test_run_results(results):
if args.dump_ptest:
if 'ptestresult.sections' in r:
for name, ptest in r['ptestresult.sections'].items():
if 'log' in ptest:
dest_dir = args.dump_ptest
if args.prepend_run:
dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, run_name)
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, '%s.log' % name)
with open(dest, 'w') as f:
if args.raw:
if 'ptestresult.rawlogs' in r:
print('Raw logs not found')
return 1
for ptest in args.ptest:
if not show_ptest(r, ptest, logger):
return 1
def register_commands(subparsers):
"""Register subcommands from this plugin"""
parser = subparsers.add_parser('log', help='show logs',
description='show the logs from test results',
help='the results file/directory/URL to import')
parser.add_argument('--ptest', action='append', default=[],
help='show logs for a ptest')
parser.add_argument('--dump-ptest', metavar='DIR',
help='Dump all ptest log files to the specified directory.')
parser.add_argument('--prepend-run', action='store_true',
help='''Dump ptest results to a subdirectory named after the test run when using --dump-ptest.
Required if more than one test run is present in the result file''')
parser.add_argument('--raw', action='store_true',
help='show raw logs')