blob: 84711219492cd8a4c0a9cbd66b185c69f3711944 [file] [log] [blame]
locale/programs/c.h | 407 ++++++++++++++++++++++
locale/programs/cross-localedef-hardlink.c | 528 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
locale/programs/xalloc.h | 129 +++++++
localedef/ | 8
4 files changed, 1071 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/programs/cross-localedef-hardlink.c
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+ * hardlink - consolidate duplicate files via hardlinks
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Written by Jakub Jelinek <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Karel Zak <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
+# include <pcre2.h>
+#include "c.h"
+#include "xalloc.h"
+#include "nls.h"
+#include "closestream.h"
+#define NHASH (1<<17) /* Must be a power of 2! */
+#define NBUF 64
+struct hardlink_file;
+struct hardlink_hash {
+ struct hardlink_hash *next;
+ struct hardlink_file *chain;
+ off_t size;
+ time_t mtime;
+struct hardlink_dir {
+ struct hardlink_dir *next;
+ char name[];
+struct hardlink_file {
+ struct hardlink_file *next;
+ ino_t ino;
+ dev_t dev;
+ unsigned int cksum;
+ char name[];
+struct hardlink_dynstr {
+ char *buf;
+ size_t alloc;
+struct hardlink_ctl {
+ struct hardlink_dir *dirs;
+ struct hardlink_hash *hps[NHASH];
+ char iobuf1[BUFSIZ];
+ char iobuf2[BUFSIZ];
+ /* summary counters */
+ unsigned long long ndirs;
+ unsigned long long nobjects;
+ unsigned long long nregfiles;
+ unsigned long long ncomp;
+ unsigned long long nlinks;
+ unsigned long long nsaved;
+ /* current device */
+ dev_t dev;
+ /* flags */
+ unsigned int verbose;
+ unsigned int
+ no_link:1,
+ content_only:1,
+ force:1;
+/* ctl is in global scope due use in atexit() */
+struct hardlink_ctl global_ctl;
+__attribute__ ((always_inline))
+static inline unsigned int hash(off_t size, time_t mtime)
+ return (size ^ mtime) & (NHASH - 1);
+__attribute__ ((always_inline))
+static inline int stcmp(struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2, int content_scope)
+ if (content_scope)
+ return st1->st_size != st2->st_size;
+ return st1->st_mode != st2->st_mode
+ || st1->st_uid != st2->st_uid
+ || st1->st_gid != st2->st_gid
+ || st1->st_size != st2->st_size
+ || st1->st_mtime != st2->st_mtime;
+static void print_summary(void)
+ struct hardlink_ctl const *const ctl = &global_ctl;
+ if (!ctl->verbose)
+ return;
+ if (ctl->verbose > 1 && ctl->nlinks)
+ fputc('\n', stdout);
+ printf(_("Directories: %9lld\n"), ctl->ndirs);
+ printf(_("Objects: %9lld\n"), ctl->nobjects);
+ printf(_("Regular files: %9lld\n"), ctl->nregfiles);
+ printf(_("Comparisons: %9lld\n"), ctl->ncomp);
+ printf( "%s%9lld\n", (ctl->no_link ?
+ _("Would link: ") :
+ _("Linked: ")), ctl->nlinks);
+ printf( "%s %9lld\n", (ctl->no_link ?
+ _("Would save: ") :
+ _("Saved: ")), ctl->nsaved);
+static void __attribute__((__noreturn__)) usage(void)
+ fputs(USAGE_HEADER, stdout);
+ printf(_(" %s [options] directory...\n"), program_invocation_short_name);
+ fputs(USAGE_SEPARATOR, stdout);
+ puts(_("Consolidate duplicate files using hardlinks."));
+ fputs(USAGE_OPTIONS, stdout);
+ puts(_(" -c, --content compare only contents, ignore permission, etc."));
+ puts(_(" -n, --dry-run don't actually link anything"));
+ puts(_(" -v, --verbose print summary after hardlinking"));
+ puts(_(" -vv print every hardlinked file and summary"));
+ puts(_(" -f, --force force hardlinking across filesystems"));
+ puts(_(" -x, --exclude <regex> exclude files matching pattern"));
+ fputs(USAGE_SEPARATOR, stdout);
+ printf(USAGE_HELP_OPTIONS(16)); /* char offset to align option descriptions */
+ printf(USAGE_MAN_TAIL("hardlink(1)"));
+__attribute__ ((always_inline))
+static inline size_t add2(size_t a, size_t b)
+ size_t sum = a + b;
+ if (sum < a)
+ errx(EXIT_FAILURE, _("integer overflow"));
+ return sum;
+__attribute__ ((always_inline))
+static inline size_t add3(size_t a, size_t b, size_t c)
+ return add2(add2(a, b), c);
+static void growstr(struct hardlink_dynstr *str, size_t newlen)
+ if (newlen < str->alloc)
+ return;
+ str->buf = xrealloc(str->buf, str->alloc = add2(newlen, 1));
+static void process_path(struct hardlink_ctl *ctl, const char *name)
+ struct stat st, st2, st3;
+ const size_t namelen = strlen(name);
+ ctl->nobjects++;
+ if (lstat(name, &st))
+ return;
+ if (st.st_dev != ctl->dev && !ctl->force) {
+ if (ctl->dev)
+ _("%s is on different filesystem than the rest "
+ "(use -f option to override)."), name);
+ ctl->dev = st.st_dev;
+ }
+ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ struct hardlink_dir *dp = xmalloc(add3(sizeof(*dp), namelen, 1));
+ memcpy(dp->name, name, namelen + 1);
+ dp->next = ctl->dirs;
+ ctl->dirs = dp;
+ } else if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ int fd, i;
+ struct hardlink_file *fp, *fp2;
+ struct hardlink_hash *hp;
+ const char *n1, *n2;
+ unsigned int buf[NBUF];
+ int cksumsize = sizeof(buf);
+ unsigned int cksum;
+ time_t mtime = ctl->content_only ? 0 : st.st_mtime;
+ unsigned int hsh = hash(st.st_size, mtime);
+ off_t fsize;
+ ctl->nregfiles++;
+ if (ctl->verbose > 1)
+ printf("%s\n", name);
+ fd = open(name, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return;
+ if ((size_t)st.st_size < sizeof(buf)) {
+ cksumsize = st.st_size;
+ memset(((char *)buf) + cksumsize, 0,
+ (sizeof(buf) - cksumsize) % sizeof(buf[0]));
+ }
+ if (read(fd, buf, cksumsize) != cksumsize) {
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ cksumsize = (cksumsize + sizeof(buf[0]) - 1) / sizeof(buf[0]);
+ for (i = 0, cksum = 0; i < cksumsize; i++) {
+ if (cksum + buf[i] < cksum)
+ cksum += buf[i] + 1;
+ else
+ cksum += buf[i];
+ }
+ for (hp = ctl->hps[hsh]; hp; hp = hp->next) {
+ if (hp->size == st.st_size && hp->mtime == mtime)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!hp) {
+ hp = xmalloc(sizeof(*hp));
+ hp->size = st.st_size;
+ hp->mtime = mtime;
+ hp->chain = NULL;
+ hp->next = ctl->hps[hsh];
+ ctl->hps[hsh] = hp;
+ }
+ for (fp = hp->chain; fp; fp = fp->next) {
+ if (fp->cksum == cksum)
+ break;
+ }
+ for (fp2 = fp; fp2 && fp2->cksum == cksum; fp2 = fp2->next) {
+ if (fp2->ino == st.st_ino && fp2->dev == st.st_dev) {
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for (fp2 = fp; fp2 && fp2->cksum == cksum; fp2 = fp2->next) {
+ if (!lstat(fp2->name, &st2) && S_ISREG(st2.st_mode) &&
+ !stcmp(&st, &st2, ctl->content_only) &&
+ st2.st_ino != st.st_ino &&
+ st2.st_dev == st.st_dev) {
+ int fd2 = open(fp2->name, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd2 < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (fstat(fd2, &st2) || !S_ISREG(st2.st_mode)
+ || st2.st_size == 0) {
+ close(fd2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ctl->ncomp++;
+ lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ for (fsize = st.st_size; fsize > 0;
+ fsize -= (off_t)sizeof(ctl->iobuf1)) {
+ ssize_t xsz;
+ ssize_t rsize = fsize > (ssize_t) sizeof(ctl->iobuf1) ?
+ (ssize_t) sizeof(ctl->iobuf1) : fsize;
+ if ((xsz = read(fd, ctl->iobuf1, rsize)) != rsize)
+ warn(_("cannot read %s"), name);
+ else if ((xsz = read(fd2, ctl->iobuf2, rsize)) != rsize)
+ warn(_("cannot read %s"), fp2->name);
+ if (xsz != rsize) {
+ close(fd);
+ close(fd2);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (memcmp(ctl->iobuf1, ctl->iobuf2, rsize))
+ break;
+ }
+ close(fd2);
+ if (fsize > 0)
+ continue;
+ if (lstat(name, &st3)) {
+ warn(_("cannot stat %s"), name);
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ st3.st_atime = st.st_atime;
+ if (stcmp(&st, &st3, 0)) {
+ warnx(_("file %s changed underneath us"), name);
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ n1 = fp2->name;
+ n2 = name;
+ if (!ctl->no_link) {
+ const char *suffix =
+ ".$$$___cleanit___$$$";
+ const size_t suffixlen = strlen(suffix);
+ size_t n2len = strlen(n2);
+ struct hardlink_dynstr nam2 = { NULL, 0 };
+ growstr(&nam2, add2(n2len, suffixlen));
+ memcpy(nam2.buf, n2, n2len);
+ memcpy(&nam2.buf[n2len], suffix,
+ suffixlen + 1);
+ /* First create a temporary link to n1 under a new name */
+ if (link(n1, nam2.buf)) {
+ warn(_("failed to hardlink %s to %s (create temporary link as %s failed)"),
+ n1, n2, nam2.buf);
+ free(nam2.buf);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Then rename into place over the existing n2 */
+ if (rename(nam2.buf, n2)) {
+ warn(_("failed to hardlink %s to %s (rename temporary link to %s failed)"),
+ n1, n2, n2);
+ /* Something went wrong, try to remove the now redundant temporary link */
+ if (unlink(nam2.buf))
+ warn(_("failed to remove temporary link %s"), nam2.buf);
+ free(nam2.buf);
+ continue;
+ }
+ free(nam2.buf);
+ }
+ ctl->nlinks++;
+ if (st3.st_nlink > 1) {
+ /* We actually did not save anything this time, since the link second argument
+ had some other links as well. */
+ if (ctl->verbose > 1)
+ printf(_(" %s %s to %s\n"),
+ (ctl->no_link ? _("Would link") : _("Linked")),
+ n1, n2);
+ } else {
+ ctl->nsaved += ((st.st_size + 4095) / 4096) * 4096;
+ if (ctl->verbose > 1)
+ printf(_(" %s %s to %s, %s %jd\n"),
+ (ctl->no_link ? _("Would link") : _("Linked")),
+ n1, n2,
+ (ctl->no_link ? _("would save") : _("saved")),
+ (intmax_t)st.st_size);
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ fp2 = xmalloc(add3(sizeof(*fp2), namelen, 1));
+ close(fd);
+ fp2->ino = st.st_ino;
+ fp2->dev = st.st_dev;
+ fp2->cksum = cksum;
+ memcpy(fp2->name, name, namelen + 1);
+ if (fp) {
+ fp2->next = fp->next;
+ fp->next = fp2;
+ } else {
+ fp2->next = hp->chain;
+ hp->chain = fp2;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int ch;
+ int i;
+#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
+ int errornumber;
+ PCRE2_SIZE erroroffset;
+ pcre2_code *re = NULL;
+ PCRE2_SPTR exclude_pattern = NULL;
+ pcre2_match_data *match_data = NULL;
+ struct hardlink_dynstr nam1 = { NULL, 0 };
+ struct hardlink_ctl *ctl = &global_ctl;
+ static const struct option longopts[] = {
+ { "content", no_argument, NULL, 'c' },
+ { "dry-run", no_argument, NULL, 'n' },
+ { "exclude", required_argument, NULL, 'x' },
+ { "force", no_argument, NULL, 'f' },
+ { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
+ { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' },
+ { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' },
+ { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 },
+ };
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+ bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
+ textdomain(PACKAGE);
+ close_stdout_atexit();
+ while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "cnvfx:Vh", longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'n':
+ ctl->no_link = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ ctl->verbose++;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ ctl->content_only = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ ctl->force = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
+ exclude_pattern = (PCRE2_SPTR) optarg;
+ _("option --exclude not supported (built without pcre2)"));
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ print_version(EXIT_SUCCESS);
+ case 'h':
+ usage();
+ default:
+ errtryhelp(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (optind == argc) {
+ warnx(_("no directory specified"));
+ errtryhelp(EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
+ if (exclude_pattern) {
+ re = pcre2_compile(exclude_pattern, /* the pattern */
+ PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED, /* indicates pattern is zero-terminate */
+ 0, /* default options */
+ &errornumber, &erroroffset, NULL); /* use default compile context */
+ if (!re) {
+ PCRE2_UCHAR buffer[256];
+ pcre2_get_error_message(errornumber, buffer,
+ sizeof(buffer));
+ errx(EXIT_FAILURE, _("pattern error at offset %d: %s"),
+ (int)erroroffset, buffer);
+ }
+ match_data = pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern(re, NULL);
+ }
+ atexit(print_summary);
+ for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
+ process_path(ctl, argv[i]);
+ while (ctl->dirs) {
+ DIR *dh;
+ struct dirent *di;
+ struct hardlink_dir *dp = ctl->dirs;
+ size_t nam1baselen = strlen(dp->name);
+ ctl->dirs = dp->next;
+ growstr(&nam1, add2(nam1baselen, 1));
+ memcpy(nam1.buf, dp->name, nam1baselen);
+ free(dp);
+ nam1.buf[nam1baselen++] = '/';
+ nam1.buf[nam1baselen] = 0;
+ dh = opendir(nam1.buf);
+ if (dh == NULL)
+ continue;
+ ctl->ndirs++;
+ while ((di = readdir(dh)) != NULL) {
+ if (!di->d_name[0])
+ continue;
+ if (di->d_name[0] == '.') {
+ if (!di->d_name[1] || !strcmp(di->d_name, ".."))
+ continue;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
+ if (re && pcre2_match(re, /* compiled regex */
+ (PCRE2_SPTR) di->d_name, strlen(di->d_name), 0, /* start at offset 0 */
+ 0, /* default options */
+ match_data, /* block for storing the result */
+ NULL) /* use default match context */
+ >=0) {
+ if (ctl->verbose) {
+ nam1.buf[nam1baselen] = 0;
+ printf(_("Skipping %s%s\n"), nam1.buf, di->d_name);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ {
+ size_t subdirlen;
+ growstr(&nam1,
+ add2(nam1baselen, subdirlen =
+ strlen(di->d_name)));
+ memcpy(&nam1.buf[nam1baselen], di->d_name,
+ add2(subdirlen, 1));
+ }
+ process_path(ctl, nam1.buf);
+ }
+ closedir(dh);
+ }
+ return 0;
--- a/localedef/
+++ b/localedef/
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ WARNFLAGS = -Wall -Wno-format
+CROSS_LOCALEDEF_HARDLINK_OBJS = cross-localedef-hardlink.o
LOCALEDEF_OBJS = charmap.o charmap-dir.o ld-address.o ld-collate.o \
ld-ctype.o ld-identification.o ld-measurement.o \
ld-messages.o ld-monetary.o ld-name.o ld-numeric.o \
@@ -54,11 +56,14 @@ LOCALEDEF_OBJS = charmap.o charmap-dir.o
asprintf.o getdelim.o localedef_extra.o \
obstack_printf.o vasprintf.o
-all: localedef$(EXEEXT)
+all: localedef$(EXEEXT) cross-localedef-hardlink$(EXEEXT)
+cross-localedef-hardlink$(EXEEXT): $(CROSS_LOCALEDEF_HARDLINK_OBJS)
rm -f locale$(EXEEXT) $(LOCALEDEF_OBJS)
@@ -77,6 +82,7 @@ clean:
%.o: $(srcdir)/%.c
$(FULLCC) -c -o $@ $<
+cross-localedef-hardlink.o: glibc/locale/programs/cross-localedef-hardlink.c
charmap.o: glibc/locale/programs/charmap.c
charmap-dir.o: glibc/locale/programs/charmap-dir.c
ld-address.o: glibc/locale/programs/ld-address.c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/programs/c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+ * Fundamental C definitions.
+ */
+#ifndef UTIL_LINUX_C_H
+#define UTIL_LINUX_C_H
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_ERR_H
+# include <err.h>
+# include <sys/sysmacros.h> /* for major, minor */
+# define LOGIN_NAME_MAX 256
+#ifndef NAME_MAX
+ * __GNUC_PREREQ is deprecated in favour of __has_attribute() and
+ * __has_feature(). The __has macros are supported by clang and gcc>=5.
+ */
+#ifndef __GNUC_PREREQ
+# if defined __GNUC__ && defined __GNUC_MINOR__
+# define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \
+ ((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
+# else
+# define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) 0
+# endif
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+/* &a[0] degrades to a pointer: a different type from an array */
+# define __must_be_array(a) \
+ UL_BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO(__builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(a), __typeof__(&a[0])))
+# define ignore_result(x) __extension__ ({ \
+ __typeof__(x) __dummy __attribute__((__unused__)) = (x); (void) __dummy; \
+#else /* !__GNUC__ */
+# define __must_be_array(a) 0
+# define __attribute__(_arg_)
+# define ignore_result(x) ((void) (x))
+#endif /* !__GNUC__ */
+ * It evaluates to 1 if the attribute/feature is supported by the current
+ * compilation targed. Fallback for old compilers.
+ */
+#ifndef __has_attribute
+ #define __has_attribute(x) 0
+#ifndef __has_feature
+ #define __has_feature(x) 0
+ * Function attributes
+ */
+#ifndef __ul_alloc_size
+# if (__has_attribute(alloc_size) && __has_attribute(warn_unused_result)) || __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 3)
+# define __ul_alloc_size(s) __attribute__((alloc_size(s), warn_unused_result))
+# else
+# define __ul_alloc_size(s)
+# endif
+#ifndef __ul_calloc_size
+# if (__has_attribute(alloc_size) && __has_attribute(warn_unused_result)) || __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 3)
+# define __ul_calloc_size(n, s) __attribute__((alloc_size(n, s), warn_unused_result))
+# else
+# define __ul_calloc_size(n, s)
+# endif
+#if __has_attribute(returns_nonnull) || __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 9)
+# define __ul_returns_nonnull __attribute__((returns_nonnull))
+# define __ul_returns_nonnull
+ * Force a compilation error if condition is true, but also produce a
+ * result (of value 0 and type size_t), so the expression can be used
+ * e.g. in a structure initializer (or wherever else comma expressions
+ * aren't permitted).
+ */
+#define UL_BUILD_BUG_ON_ZERO(e) __extension__ (sizeof(struct { int:-!!(e); }))
+#define BUILD_BUG_ON_NULL(e) ((void *)sizeof(struct { int:-!!(e); }))
+#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
+# define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof((arr)[0]) + __must_be_array(arr))
+#ifndef PATH_MAX
+# define PATH_MAX 4096
+#ifndef TRUE
+# define TRUE 1
+#ifndef FALSE
+# define FALSE 0
+#ifndef min
+# define min(x, y) __extension__ ({ \
+ __typeof__(x) _min1 = (x); \
+ __typeof__(y) _min2 = (y); \
+ (void) (&_min1 == &_min2); \
+ _min1 < _min2 ? _min1 : _min2; })
+#ifndef max
+# define max(x, y) __extension__ ({ \
+ __typeof__(x) _max1 = (x); \
+ __typeof__(y) _max2 = (y); \
+ (void) (&_max1 == &_max2); \
+ _max1 > _max2 ? _max1 : _max2; })
+#ifndef cmp_numbers
+# define cmp_numbers(x, y) __extension__ ({ \
+ __typeof__(x) _a = (x); \
+ __typeof__(y) _b = (y); \
+ (void) (&_a == &_b); \
+ _a == _b ? 0 : _a > _b ? 1 : -1; })
+#ifndef offsetof
+#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
+ * container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure
+ * @ptr: the pointer to the member.
+ * @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in.
+ * @member: the name of the member within the struct.
+ */
+#ifndef container_of
+#define container_of(ptr, type, member) __extension__ ({ \
+ const __typeof__( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \
+ (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
+# ifdef HAVE___PROGNAME
+extern char *__progname;
+# define program_invocation_short_name __progname
+# else
+# define program_invocation_short_name \
+ prog_inv_sh_nm_from_file(getexecname(), 0)
+# else
+# define program_invocation_short_name \
+ prog_inv_sh_nm_from_file(__FILE__, 1)
+# endif
+static char prog_inv_sh_nm_buf[256];
+static inline char *
+prog_inv_sh_nm_from_file(char *f, char stripext)
+ char *t;
+ if ((t = strrchr(f, '/')) != NULL)
+ t++;
+ else
+ t = f;
+ strncpy(prog_inv_sh_nm_buf, t, sizeof(prog_inv_sh_nm_buf) - 1);
+ prog_inv_sh_nm_buf[sizeof(prog_inv_sh_nm_buf) - 1] = '\0';
+ if (stripext && (t = strrchr(prog_inv_sh_nm_buf, '.')) != NULL)
+ *t = '\0';
+ return prog_inv_sh_nm_buf;
+# endif
+#ifndef HAVE_ERR_H
+static inline void
+errmsg(char doexit, int excode, char adderr, const char *fmt, ...)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program_invocation_short_name);
+ if (fmt != NULL) {
+ va_list argp;
+ va_start(argp, fmt);
+ vfprintf(stderr, fmt, argp);
+ va_end(argp);
+ if (adderr)
+ fprintf(stderr, ": ");
+ }
+ if (adderr)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%m");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ if (doexit)
+ exit(excode);
+#ifndef HAVE_ERR
+# define err(E, FMT...) errmsg(1, E, 1, FMT)
+#ifndef HAVE_ERRX
+# define errx(E, FMT...) errmsg(1, E, 0, FMT)
+#ifndef HAVE_WARN
+# define warn(FMT...) errmsg(0, 0, 1, FMT)
+#ifndef HAVE_WARNX
+# define warnx(FMT...) errmsg(0, 0, 0, FMT)
+#endif /* !HAVE_ERR_H */
+/* Don't use inline function to avoid '#include "nls.h"' in c.h
+ */
+#define errtryhelp(eval) __extension__ ({ \
+ fprintf(stderr, _("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n"), \
+ program_invocation_short_name); \
+ exit(eval); \
+/* After failed execvp() */
+#define EX_EXEC_FAILED 126 /* Program located, but not usable. */
+#define EX_EXEC_ENOENT 127 /* Could not find program to exec. */
+#define errexec(name) err(errno == ENOENT ? EX_EXEC_ENOENT : EX_EXEC_FAILED, \
+ _("failed to execute %s"), name)
+static inline __attribute__((const)) int is_power_of_2(unsigned long num)
+ return (num != 0 && ((num & (num - 1)) == 0));
+#ifndef HAVE_LOFF_T
+typedef int64_t loff_t;
+#if !defined(HAVE_DIRFD) && (!defined(HAVE_DECL_DIRFD) || HAVE_DECL_DIRFD == 0) && defined(HAVE_DIR_DD_FD)
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+static inline int dirfd(DIR *d)
+ return d->dd_fd;
+ * Fallback defines for old versions of glibc
+ */
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifdef O_CLOEXEC
+#define UL_CLOEXECSTR "e"
+#define UL_CLOEXECSTR ""
+#ifndef O_CLOEXEC
+#define O_CLOEXEC 0
+#ifdef __FreeBSD_kernel__
+#define F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC 17 /* Like F_DUPFD, but FD_CLOEXEC is set */
+#define AI_ADDRCONFIG 0x0020
+#ifndef IUTF8
+#define IUTF8 0040000
+ * MAXHOSTNAMELEN replacement
+ */
+static inline size_t get_hostname_max(void)
+ long len = sysconf(_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX);
+ if (0 < len)
+ return len;
+ return HOST_NAME_MAX;
+ return 64;
+ * Constant strings for usage() functions. For more info see
+ * Documentation/{howto-usage-function.txt,boilerplate.c}
+ */
+#define USAGE_HEADER ("\nUsage:\n")
+#define USAGE_OPTIONS ("\nOptions:\n")
+#define USAGE_FUNCTIONS ("\nFunctions:\n")
+#define USAGE_COMMANDS ("\nCommands:\n")
+#define USAGE_COLUMNS ("\nAvailable output columns:\n")
+#define USAGE_SEPARATOR "\n"
+#define USAGE_OPTSTR_HELP ("display this help")
+#define USAGE_OPTSTR_VERSION ("display version")
+#define USAGE_HELP_OPTIONS(marg_dsc) \
+ "%-" #marg_dsc "s%s\n" \
+ "%-" #marg_dsc "s%s\n" \
+ , " -h, --help", USAGE_OPTSTR_HELP \
+ , " -V, --version", USAGE_OPTSTR_VERSION
+#define USAGE_MAN_TAIL(_man) ("\nFor more details see %s.\n"), _man
+#define UTIL_LINUX_VERSION ("%s from %s\n"), program_invocation_short_name, PACKAGE_STRING
+#define print_version(eval) __extension__ ({ \
+ exit(eval); \
+ * scanf modifiers for "strings allocation"
+ */
+#define UL_SCNsA "%ms"
+#elif defined(HAVE_SCANF_AS_MODIFIER)
+#define UL_SCNsA "%as"
+ * seek stuff
+ */
+#ifndef SEEK_DATA
+# define SEEK_DATA 3
+#ifndef SEEK_HOLE
+# define SEEK_HOLE 4
+ * Macros to convert #define'itions to strings, for example
+ * #define XYXXY 42
+ * printf ("%s=%s\n", stringify(XYXXY), stringify_value(XYXXY));
+ */
+#define stringify_value(s) stringify(s)
+#define stringify(s) #s
+ * UL_ASAN_BLACKLIST is a macro to tell AddressSanitizer (a compile-time
+ * instrumentation shipped with Clang and GCC) to not instrument the
+ * annotated function. Furthermore, it will prevent the compiler from
+ * inlining the function because inlining currently breaks the blacklisting
+ * mechanism of AddressSanitizer.
+ */
+#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer) && __has_attribute(no_sanitize_memory) && __has_attribute(no_sanitize_address)
+# define UL_ASAN_BLACKLIST __attribute__((noinline)) __attribute__((no_sanitize_memory)) __attribute__((no_sanitize_address))
+# define UL_ASAN_BLACKLIST /* nothing */
+ * Note that sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX) returns *initial* suggested size for
+ * pwd buffer and in some cases it is not large enough. See POSIX and
+ * getpwnam_r man page for more details.
+ */
+#define UL_GETPW_BUFSIZ (16 * 1024)
+ * Darwin or other BSDs may only have MAP_ANON. To get it on Darwin we must
+ * define _DARWIN_C_SOURCE before including sys/mman.h. We do this in config.h.
+ */
+#if !defined MAP_ANONYMOUS && defined MAP_ANON
+#endif /* UTIL_LINUX_C_H */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/programs/xalloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Davidlohr Bueso <>
+ *
+ * This file may be redistributed under the terms of the
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ *
+ * General memory allocation wrappers for malloc, realloc, calloc and strdup
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "c.h"
+static inline void __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+__err_oom(const char *file, unsigned int line)
+ err(XALLOC_EXIT_CODE, "%s: %u: cannot allocate memory", file, line);
+#define err_oom() __err_oom(__FILE__, __LINE__)
+static inline __ul_alloc_size(1) __ul_returns_nonnull
+void *xmalloc(const size_t size)
+ void *ret = malloc(size);
+ if (!ret && size)
+ err(XALLOC_EXIT_CODE, "cannot allocate %zu bytes", size);
+ return ret;
+static inline __ul_alloc_size(2) __ul_returns_nonnull
+void *xrealloc(void *ptr, const size_t size)
+ void *ret = realloc(ptr, size);
+ if (!ret && size)
+ err(XALLOC_EXIT_CODE, "cannot allocate %zu bytes", size);
+ return ret;
+static inline __ul_calloc_size(1, 2) __ul_returns_nonnull
+void *xcalloc(const size_t nelems, const size_t size)
+ void *ret = calloc(nelems, size);
+ if (!ret && size && nelems)
+ err(XALLOC_EXIT_CODE, "cannot allocate %zu bytes", size);
+ return ret;
+static inline char __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) __ul_returns_nonnull
+*xstrdup(const char *str)
+ char *ret;
+ if (!str)
+ return NULL;
+ ret = strdup(str);
+ if (!ret)
+ err(XALLOC_EXIT_CODE, "cannot duplicate string");
+ return ret;
+static inline char * __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) __ul_returns_nonnull
+xstrndup(const char *str, size_t size)
+ char *ret;
+ if (!str)
+ return NULL;
+ ret = strndup(str, size);
+ if (!ret)
+ err(XALLOC_EXIT_CODE, "cannot duplicate string");
+ return ret;
+static inline int __attribute__ ((__format__(printf, 2, 3)))
+ xasprintf(char **strp, const char *fmt, ...)
+ int ret;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ ret = vasprintf(&(*strp), fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ err(XALLOC_EXIT_CODE, "cannot allocate string");
+ return ret;
+static inline int __attribute__ ((__format__(printf, 2, 0)))
+xvasprintf(char **strp, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
+ int ret = vasprintf(&(*strp), fmt, ap);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ err(XALLOC_EXIT_CODE, "cannot allocate string");
+ return ret;
+static inline char * __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) xgethostname(void)
+ char *name;
+ size_t sz = get_hostname_max() + 1;
+ name = xmalloc(sizeof(char) * sz);
+ if (gethostname(name, sz) != 0) {
+ free(name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ name[sz - 1] = '\0';
+ return name;