blob: e4045559fc4db85587c9b6531cf9efa09a8e38b7 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
import oe.classutils
import shlex
from bb.process import Popen, ExecutionError
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake.OE.Terminal')
class UnsupportedTerminal(Exception):
class NoSupportedTerminals(Exception):
def __init__(self, terms):
self.terms = terms
class Registry(oe.classutils.ClassRegistry):
command = None
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
super(Registry, cls).__init__(name.lower(), bases, attrs)
def implemented(cls):
return bool(cls.command)
class Terminal(Popen, metaclass=Registry):
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
fmt_sh_cmd = self.format_command(sh_cmd, title)
Popen.__init__(self, fmt_sh_cmd, env=env)
except OSError as exc:
import errno
if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
raise UnsupportedTerminal(
def format_command(self, sh_cmd, title):
fmt = {'title': title or 'Terminal', 'command': sh_cmd, 'cwd': os.getcwd() }
if isinstance(self.command, str):
return shlex.split(self.command.format(**fmt))
return [element.format(**fmt) for element in self.command]
class XTerminal(Terminal):
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
Terminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
if not os.environ.get('DISPLAY'):
raise UnsupportedTerminal(
class Gnome(XTerminal):
command = 'gnome-terminal -t "{title}" -x {command}'
priority = 2
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
# Recent versions of gnome-terminal does not support non-UTF8 charset:
#; as a workaround,
# clearing the LC_ALL environment variable so it uses the locale.
# Once fixed on the gnome-terminal project, this should be removed.
if os.getenv('LC_ALL'): os.putenv('LC_ALL','')
XTerminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
class Mate(XTerminal):
command = 'mate-terminal --disable-factory -t "{title}" -x {command}'
priority = 2
class Xfce(XTerminal):
command = 'xfce4-terminal -T "{title}" -e "{command}"'
priority = 2
class Terminology(XTerminal):
command = 'terminology -T="{title}" -e {command}'
priority = 2
class Konsole(XTerminal):
command = 'konsole --separate --workdir . -p tabtitle="{title}" -e {command}'
priority = 2
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
# Check version
vernum = check_terminal_version("konsole")
if vernum and LooseVersion(vernum) < '2.0.0':
# Konsole from KDE 3.x
self.command = 'konsole -T "{title}" -e {command}'
elif vernum and LooseVersion(vernum) < '16.08.1':
# Konsole pre 16.08.01 Has nofork
self.command = 'konsole --nofork --workdir . -p tabtitle="{title}" -e {command}'
XTerminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
class XTerm(XTerminal):
command = 'xterm -T "{title}" -e {command}'
priority = 1
class Rxvt(XTerminal):
command = 'rxvt -T "{title}" -e {command}'
priority = 1
class Screen(Terminal):
command = 'screen -D -m -t "{title}" -S devshell {command}'
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
s_id = "devshell_%i" % os.getpid()
self.command = "screen -D -m -t \"{title}\" -S %s {command}" % s_id
Terminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
msg = 'Screen started. Please connect in another terminal with ' \
'"screen -r %s"' % s_id
if (d):, "screen -r %s" % s_id,
0.5, 10), d)
class TmuxRunning(Terminal):
"""Open a new pane in the current running tmux window"""
name = 'tmux-running'
command = 'tmux split-window -c "{cwd}" "{command}"'
priority = 2.75
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
if not bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), 'tmux'):
raise UnsupportedTerminal('tmux is not installed')
if not os.getenv('TMUX'):
raise UnsupportedTerminal('tmux is not running')
if not check_tmux_pane_size('tmux'):
raise UnsupportedTerminal('tmux pane too small or tmux < 1.9 version is being used')
Terminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
class TmuxNewWindow(Terminal):
"""Open a new window in the current running tmux session"""
name = 'tmux-new-window'
command = 'tmux new-window -c "{cwd}" -n "{title}" "{command}"'
priority = 2.70
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
if not bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), 'tmux'):
raise UnsupportedTerminal('tmux is not installed')
if not os.getenv('TMUX'):
raise UnsupportedTerminal('tmux is not running')
Terminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
class Tmux(Terminal):
"""Start a new tmux session and window"""
command = 'tmux new -c "{cwd}" -d -s devshell -n devshell "{command}"'
priority = 0.75
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
if not bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), 'tmux'):
raise UnsupportedTerminal('tmux is not installed')
# TODO: consider using a 'devshell' session shared amongst all
# devshells, if it's already there, add a new window to it.
window_name = 'devshell-%i' % os.getpid()
self.command = 'tmux new -c "{{cwd}}" -d -s {0} -n {0} "{{command}}"'.format(window_name)
Terminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
attach_cmd = 'tmux att -t {0}'.format(window_name)
msg = 'Tmux started. Please connect in another terminal with `tmux att -t {0}`'.format(window_name)
if d:, attach_cmd, 0.5, 10), d)
class Custom(Terminal):
command = 'false' # This is a placeholder
priority = 3
def __init__(self, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
self.command = d and d.getVar('OE_TERMINAL_CUSTOMCMD')
if self.command:
if not '{command}' in self.command:
self.command += ' {command}'
Terminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
logger.warning('Custom terminal was started.')
logger.debug(1, 'No custom terminal (OE_TERMINAL_CUSTOMCMD) set')
raise UnsupportedTerminal('OE_TERMINAL_CUSTOMCMD not set')
def prioritized():
return Registry.prioritized()
def get_cmd_list():
terms = Registry.prioritized()
cmds = []
for term in terms:
if term.command:
return cmds
def spawn_preferred(sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
"""Spawn the first supported terminal, by priority"""
for terminal in prioritized():
spawn(, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
except UnsupportedTerminal:
raise NoSupportedTerminals(get_cmd_list())
def spawn(name, sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
"""Spawn the specified terminal, by name"""
logger.debug(1, 'Attempting to spawn terminal "%s"', name)
terminal = Registry.registry[name]
except KeyError:
raise UnsupportedTerminal(name)
# We need to know when the command completes but some terminals (at least
# gnome and tmux) gives us no way to do this. We therefore write the pid
# to a file using a "phonehome" wrapper script, then monitor the pid
# until it exits.
import tempfile
import time
pidfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False).name
sh_cmd = bb.utils.which(os.getenv('PATH'), "oe-gnome-terminal-phonehome") + " " + pidfile + " " + sh_cmd
pipe = terminal(sh_cmd, title, env, d)
output = pipe.communicate()[0]
if output:
output = output.decode("utf-8")
if pipe.returncode != 0:
raise ExecutionError(sh_cmd, pipe.returncode, output)
while os.stat(pidfile).st_size <= 0:
with open(pidfile, "r") as f:
pid = int(f.readline())
while True:
os.kill(pid, 0)
except OSError:
def check_tmux_pane_size(tmux):
import subprocess as sub
# On older tmux versions (<1.9), return false. The reason
# is that there is no easy way to get the height of the active panel
# on current window without nested formats (available from version 1.9)
vernum = check_terminal_version("tmux")
if vernum and LooseVersion(vernum) < '1.9':
return False
p = sub.Popen('%s list-panes -F "#{?pane_active,#{pane_height},}"' % tmux,
out, err = p.communicate()
size = int(out.strip())
except OSError as exc:
import errno
if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
return None
return size/2 >= 19
def check_terminal_version(terminalName):
import subprocess as sub
cmdversion = '%s --version' % terminalName
if terminalName.startswith('tmux'):
cmdversion = '%s -V' % terminalName
newenv = os.environ.copy()
newenv["LANG"] = "C"
p = sub.Popen(['sh', '-c', cmdversion], stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE, env=newenv)
out, err = p.communicate()
ver_info = out.decode().rstrip().split('\n')
except OSError as exc:
import errno
if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
return None
vernum = None
for ver in ver_info:
if ver.startswith('Konsole'):
vernum = ver.split(' ')[-1]
if ver.startswith('GNOME Terminal'):
vernum = ver.split(' ')[-1]
if ver.startswith('MATE Terminal'):
vernum = ver.split(' ')[-1]
if ver.startswith('tmux'):
vernum = ver.split()[-1]
if ver.startswith('tmux next-'):
vernum = ver.split()[-1][5:]
return vernum
def distro_name():
p = Popen(['lsb_release', '-i'])
out, err = p.communicate()
distro = out.split(':')[1].strip().lower()
distro = "unknown"
return distro