blob: a6f89b6a86a0c92ae8ab7143c27aa9bcb7addf59 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation
# Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT)
# Main unittest module used by testimage.bbclass
# This provides the oeRuntimeTest base class which is inherited by all tests in meta/lib/oeqa/runtime.
# It also has some helper functions and it's responsible for actually starting the tests
import os, re, mmap
import unittest
import inspect
import subprocess
import bb
from oeqa.utils.decorators import LogResults, gettag
from sys import exc_info, exc_clear
def getVar(obj):
#extend form dict, if a variable didn't exists, need find it in testcase
class VarDict(dict):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return gettag(obj, key)
return VarDict()
def checkTags(tc, tagexp):
return eval(tagexp, None, getVar(tc))
def filterByTagExp(testsuite, tagexp):
if not tagexp:
return testsuite
caseList = []
for each in testsuite:
if not isinstance(each, unittest.BaseTestSuite):
if checkTags(each, tagexp):
caseList.append(filterByTagExp(each, tagexp))
return testsuite.__class__(caseList)
def loadTests(tc, type="runtime"):
if type == "runtime":
# set the context object passed from the test class
setattr(oeTest, "tc", tc)
# set ps command to use
setattr(oeRuntimeTest, "pscmd", "ps -ef" if oeTest.hasPackage("procps") else "ps")
# prepare test suite, loader and runner
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
elif type == "sdk":
# set the context object passed from the test class
setattr(oeTest, "tc", tc)
testloader = unittest.TestLoader()
testloader.sortTestMethodsUsing = None
suites = [testloader.loadTestsFromName(name) for name in tc.testslist]
suites = filterByTagExp(suites, getattr(tc, "tagexp", None))
def getTests(test):
'''Return all individual tests executed when running the suite.'''
# Unfortunately unittest does not have an API for this, so we have
# to rely on implementation details. This only needs to work
# for TestSuite containing TestCase.
method = getattr(test, '_testMethodName', None)
if method:
# leaf case: a TestCase
yield test
# Look into TestSuite.
tests = getattr(test, '_tests', [])
for t1 in tests:
for t2 in getTests(t1):
yield t2
# Determine dependencies between suites by looking for @skipUnlessPassed
# method annotations. Suite A depends on suite B if any method in A
# depends on a method on B.
for suite in suites:
suite.dependencies = []
suite.depth = 0
for test in getTests(suite):
methodname = getattr(test, '_testMethodName', None)
if methodname:
method = getattr(test, methodname)
depends_on = getattr(method, '_depends_on', None)
if depends_on:
for dep_suite in suites:
if depends_on in [getattr(t, '_testMethodName', None) for t in getTests(dep_suite)]:
if dep_suite not in suite.dependencies and \
dep_suite is not suite:
bb.warn("Test %s was declared as @skipUnlessPassed('%s') but that test is either not defined or not active. Will run the test anyway." %
(test, depends_on))
# Use brute-force topological sort to determine ordering. Sort by
# depth (higher depth = must run later), with original ordering to
# break ties.
def set_suite_depth(suite):
for dep in suite.dependencies:
new_depth = set_suite_depth(dep) + 1
if new_depth > suite.depth:
suite.depth = new_depth
return suite.depth
for index, suite in enumerate(suites):
suite.index = index
suites.sort(cmp=lambda a,b: cmp((a.depth, a.index), (b.depth, b.index)))
return testloader.suiteClass(suites)
def runTests(tc, type="runtime"):
suite = loadTests(tc, type)
bb.note("Test modules %s" % tc.testslist)
if hasattr(tc, "tagexp") and tc.tagexp:
bb.note("Filter test cases by tags: %s" % tc.tagexp)
bb.note("Found %s tests" % suite.countTestCases())
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
result =
return result
class oeTest(unittest.TestCase):
longMessage = True
def hasPackage(self, pkg):
for item in'\n'):
if re.match(pkg, item):
return True
return False
def hasFeature(self,feature):
if feature in or \
feature in
return True
return False
class oeRuntimeTest(oeTest):
def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): =
super(oeRuntimeTest, self).__init__(methodName)
def setUp(self):
# Check if test needs to run
if"Got SIGTERM")
elif (type( == "QemuTarget"):
self.assertTrue(, msg = "Qemu not running?")
# a setup method before tests but after the class instantiation
def setUpLocal(self):
def tearDown(self):
# If a test fails or there is an exception
if not exc_info() == (None, None, None):
#Only dump for QemuTarget
if (type( == "QemuTarget"):
print ("%s dump data stored in %s" % (self._testMethodName,
#TODO: use to install packages on any type of image
def install_packages(self, packagelist):
for package in packagelist:
(status, result) ="smart install -y "+package)
if status != 0:
return status
class oeSDKTest(oeTest):
def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
self.sdktestdir =
super(oeSDKTest, self).__init__(methodName)
def hasHostPackage(self, pkg):
return True
return False
def _run(self, cmd):
return subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
def getmodule(pos=2):
# stack returns a list of tuples containg frame information
# First element of the list the is current frame, caller is 1
frameinfo = inspect.stack()[pos]
modname = inspect.getmodulename(frameinfo[1])
#modname = inspect.getmodule(frameinfo[0]).__name__
return modname
def skipModule(reason, pos=2):
modname = getmodule(pos)
if modname not in
raise unittest.SkipTest("%s: %s" % (modname, reason))
raise Exception("\nTest %s wants to be skipped.\nReason is: %s" \
"\nTest was required in TEST_SUITES, so either the condition for skipping is wrong" \
"\nor the image really doesn't have the required feature/package when it should." % (modname, reason))
def skipModuleIf(cond, reason):
if cond:
skipModule(reason, 3)
def skipModuleUnless(cond, reason):
if not cond:
skipModule(reason, 3)