| SUMMARY = "Virtual Console lock program" |
| DESCRIPTION = "Sometimes a malicious local user could cause more problems \ |
| than a sophisticated remote one. vlock is a program that locks one or more \ |
| sessions on the Linux console to prevent attackers from gaining physical \ |
| access to the machine. \ |
| " |
| SECTION = "utils" |
| |
| LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-only" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=a17cb0a873d252440acfdf9b3d0e7fbf" |
| |
| SRC_URI = "${GENTOO_MIRROR}/${BP}.tar.gz \ |
| file://disable_vlockrc.patch \ |
| file://vlock_pam_tally2_reset.patch \ |
| file://vlock-no_tally.patch \ |
| file://vlock_pam \ |
| " |
| |
| SRC_URI[md5sum] = "378175c7692a8f288e65fd4dbf8a38eb" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "85aa5aed1ae49351378a0bd527a013078f0f969372a63164b1944174ae1a5e39" |
| |
| inherit autotools-brokensep update-alternatives |
| |
| # authentification method: either pam or shadow |
| PACKAGECONFIG ?= "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'pam', 'shadow', d)}" |
| PACKAGECONFIG[pam] = "--enable-pam,,libpam," |
| PACKAGECONFIG[shadow] = "--enable-shadow,,shadow," |
| |
| CFLAGS += "-Wall -W -pedantic -std=gnu99" |
| |
| do_configure () { |
| # The configure tries to use 'getent' to get the group |
| # info from the host, which should be avoided. |
| sed -i 's/\(ROOT_GROUP=\).*/\1"root"/' ${CONFIGURE_SCRIPT} |
| |
| VLOCK_GROUP=root \ |
| ROOT_GROUP=root \ |
| CC="${CC}" \ |
| --prefix=${prefix} \ |
| --libdir=${libdir} \ |
| --mandir=${mandir} \ |
| --with-modules="all.so new.so nosysrq.so ttyblank.so vesablank.so" \ |
| --disable-root-password --enable-debug --disable-fail-count \ |
| } |
| |
| do_install:append () { |
| if [ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pam', 'yes', '', d)} = yes ]; then |
| install -d -m 0755 ${D}/${sysconfdir}/pam.d |
| install -m 0644 ${UNPACKDIR}/vlock_pam ${D}${sysconfdir}/pam.d/vlock |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| ALTERNATIVE:${PN} = "vlock" |
| ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME[vlock] = "${bindir}/vlock" |