phosphor-hwmon: srcrev bump d46d08 | create busconfig based on env cfg

Anton D. Kachalov (1):
      Add sensor instance id command line argument.

This change will generate busconfig ACLs from the provided hwmon
environment files from /etc/default/obmc/hwmon that will be
supplied as "sensor-id" argument to hwmon daemon.

This change required as a part of privilege separation work:

This change should be merged after individual repo change:

Signed-off-by: Anton D. Kachalov <>
Change-Id: I37c31d6f2f74041bfee453bdf338d4c7e148c791
diff --git a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/
index f0b7fc8..a368152 100644
--- a/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/
+++ b/meta-phosphor/recipes-phosphor/sensors/
@@ -43,6 +43,54 @@
 SRC_URI += "git://"
-SRCREV = "5b520cf494ad65be2d336f60ee622efc456c2e3f"
+SRCREV = "d46d081895ada3ab411996dc3a681f796f4a0926"
 S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+# The following postinstall script iterate over hwmon env files:
+# 1. It adds HW_SENSOR_ID value if not set. The value being calculated
+#    as sha256sum.
+# 2. For each hwmon the script generates busconfig ACLs.
+pkg_postinst_${PN}() {
+    [ -n "$D" ] || return 0
+    hwmon_dir="$D/etc/default/obmc/hwmon"
+    dbus_dir="$D/etc/dbus-1/system.d"
+    [ -d "${hwmon_dir}" ] || return 0
+    # Remove existing links and replace with actual copy of the file to prevent
+    # HW_SENSOR_ID variable override for different sensors' instances.
+    find "${hwmon_dir}" -type l -name \*.conf | while read f; do
+        path="$(readlink -f $f)"
+        rm -f "${f}"
+        cp "${path}" "${f}"
+    done
+    find "${hwmon_dir}" -type f -name \*.conf | while read f; do
+        path="/${f##${hwmon_dir}/}"
+        path="${path%.conf}"
+        sensor_id="$(printf "%s" "${path}" | sha256sum | cut -d\  -f1)"
+        acl_file="${dbus_dir}/xyz.openbmc_project.Hwmon-${sensor_id}.conf"
+        egrep -q '^HW_SENSOR_ID\s*=' "${f}" ||
+            printf "\n# Sensor id for %s\nHW_SENSOR_ID = \"%s\"\n" "${path}" "${sensor_id}" >> "${f}"
+        # Extract HW_SENSOR_ID that could be either quoted or unquoted string.
+        sensor_id="$(sed -n 's,^HW_SENSOR_ID\s*=\s*"\?\(.[^" ]\+\)\s*"\?,\1,p' "${f}")"
+        [ ! -f "${acl_file}" ] || continue
+        path_s="$(echo "${path}" | sed 's,\-\-,\\-\\-,g')"
+        cat <<EOF>"${acl_file}"
+<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
+ "">
+  <policy user="root">
+    <!-- ${path_s} -->
+    <allow own="xyz.openbmc_project.Hwmon-${sensor_id}.Hwmon1"/>
+    <allow send_destination="xyz.openbmc_project.Hwmon-${sensor_id}.Hwmon1"/>
+  </policy>
+    done