blob: b3bdf10cde68689029bbff8ece8cd0365bb32824 [file] [log] [blame]
package Bastille::API::Miscellaneous;
use strict;
use File::Path;
use Bastille::API;
use Bastille::API::HPSpecific;
use Bastille::API::FileContent;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
# PrepareToRun sets up Bastille to run. It checks the ARGV array for
# special options and runs ConfigureForDistro to set necessary file
# locations and other global variables.
sub PrepareToRun {
# Make sure we're root!
if ( $> != 0 ) {
&B_log("ERROR","Bastille must run as root!\n");
# Make any directories that don't exist...
foreach my $dir (keys %GLOBAL_BDIR) {
my $BdirPath = $GLOBAL_BDIR{$dir};
if ( $BdirPath =~ /^\s*\// ) { #Don't make relative directories
mkpath ($BdirPath,0,0700);
if(&GetDistro =~ "^HP-UX") {
&B_log("ACTION","\n########################################################\n" .
"# Begin Bastille Run #\n" .
#read sum file if it exists.
# No longer necessary as flags are no longer in sum file, and sums are
# are now checked "real time"
# check the integrity of the files listed
# for my $file (sort keys %GLOBAL_SUM) {
# &B_check_sum($file);
# }
# write out the newly flagged sums
# &B_write_sums;
# &B_is_package_installed($package);
# This function checks for the existence of the package named.
# TODO: Allow $package to be an expression.
# TODO: Allow optional $version, $release, $epoch arguments so we can
# make sure that the given package is at least as recent as some
# given version number.
# scalar return values:
# 0: $package is not installed
# 1: $package is installed
sub B_is_package_installed($) {
no strict;
my $package = $_[0];
# Create a "global" variable with values scoped to this function
# We do this to avoid having to repeatedly swlist/rpm
# when we run B_is_package_installed
my $distro = &GetDistro;
if ($distro =~ /^HP-UX/) {
if (&checkProcsForService('swagent','ignore_warning') == SECURE_CANT_CHANGE()) {
&B_log("WARNING","Software Distributor Agent(swagent) is not running. Can not tell ".
"if package: $package is installed or not. Bastille will assume not. ".
"If the package is actually installed, Bastille may report or configure incorrectly.".
"To use Bastille-results as-is, please check to ensure $package is not installed, ".
"or re-run with the swagent running to get correct results.");
return 0; #FALSE
my $swlist=&getGlobal('BIN','swlist');
if (%INSTALLED_PACKAGE_LIST == () ) { # re-use prior results
if (open(SWLIST, "$swlist -a state -l fileset |")) {
while (my $line = <SWLIST>){
if ($line =~ /^ {2}\S+\.(\S+)\s*(\w+)/) {
close SWLIST;
} else {
&B_log("ERROR","B_is_package_installed was unable to run the swlist command: $swlist,\n");
return FALSE;
# Now find the entry
if ($INSTALLED_PACKAGE_LIST{$package} == 'configured') {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
} #End HP-UX Section
# This routine only works on RPM-based distros: Red Hat, Fedora, Mandrake and SuSE
elsif ( ($distro !~ /^RH/) and ($distro !~ /^MN/) and($distro !~ /^SE/) ) {
return 0;
} else { #This is a RPM-based distro
# Run an rpm command -- librpm is extremely messy, dynamic and not
# so much a perl thing. It's actually barely a C/C++ thing...
if (open RPM,"rpm -q $package") {
# We should get only one line back, but let's parse a few
# just in case.
my @lines = <RPM>;
close RPM;
# This is what we're trying to parse:
# $ rpm -q jay
# package jay is not installed
# $ rpm -q bash
# bash-2.05b-305.1
foreach $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ /^package\s$package\sis\snot\sinstalled/) {
return 0;
elsif ($line =~ /^$package\-/) {
return 1;
# If we've read every line without finding one of these, then
# our parsing is broken
&B_log("ERROR","B_is_package_installed was unable to find a definitive RPM present or not present line.\n");
return 0;
} else {
&B_log("ERROR","B_is_package_installed was unable to run the RPM command,\n");
return 0;