blob: 3bfdcf145405307a5cc33007c8f7ee8c3b32d885 [file] [log] [blame]
# AUTOREV and PV containing '+git' needs to be set early, before any anonymous python
# expands anything containing PV, else the parse process won't trigger the fetcher to
# cache the needed version data
python pokybleeding_version_handler () {
bpn = d.getVar("BPN")
# We're running before the class extension code at PreFinalise so manually fix BPN
bpn = bpn.replace("-nativesdk", "").replace("nativesdk-", "")
if bpn in d.getVar("POKY_AUTOREV_RECIPES").split():
if "pseudo" in bpn:
bb.warn("Here 5 %s %s" % (d.getVar("PN"), bpn))
d.setVar("SRCREV", "${AUTOREV}")
if "+git" not in d.getVar("PV"):
d.appendVar("PV", "+git")
addhandler pokybleeding_version_handler
pokybleeding_version_handler[eventmask] = "bb.event.RecipePreFinalise"