blob: 4116049e51469b1b68cbfc082f12cb3352e1fccf [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "extended_user_header.hpp"
#include "pel_common.hpp"
#include "primary_src.hpp"
#include "private_header.hpp"
#include "user_header.hpp"
#include <vector>
namespace attn
namespace pel
/** @class PelMinimal
* @brief Class for a minimal platform event log (PEL)
* This class can be used to create form a PEL and create a raw PEL file. The
* implementation based on "Platform Event Log and SRC PLDD v1.1"
* This PEL consists of the following position dependent sections:
* |----------+------------------------------|
* | length | section |
* |----------+------------------------------|
* | 48 | Private Header Section |
* |----------+------------------------------|
* | 24 | User Header Section |
* |----------+------------------------------|
* | 72 | Primary SRC Section |
* |----------+------------------------------|
* | 20 | Extended User Header |
* |----------+------------------------------|
class PelMinimal
PelMinimal() = delete;
~PelMinimal() = default;
PelMinimal(const PelMinimal&) = delete;
PelMinimal& operator=(const PelMinimal&) = delete;
PelMinimal(PelMinimal&&) = delete;
PelMinimal& operator=(PelMinimal&&) = delete;
* @brief Create a minimal PEL object from raw data
* @param[in] pelBuffer - buffer containing a raw PEL
explicit PelMinimal(std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
* @brief Initialize the object's data members
* @param[in] data - reference to the vector
void initialize(std::vector<uint8_t>& data);
* @brief Stream raw PEL data to buffer
* @param[out] pelBuffer - What the data will be written to
void raw(std::vector<uint8_t>& pelBuffer) const;
* @brief Set the User Header subsystem field
* @param[in] subsystem - The subsystem value
void setSubsystem(uint8_t subsystem);
* @brief Set the User Header severity field
* @param[in] severity - The severity to set
void setSeverity(uint8_t severity);
* @brief Set the User Header event type field
* @param[in] type - The event type
void setType(uint8_t type);
* @brief Set the User Header action flags field
* @param[in] action - The action flags to set
void setAction(uint16_t action);
* @brief Set the Primary SRC section SRC words
* @param[in] srcWords - The SRC words
void setSrcWords(std::array<uint32_t, numSrcWords> srcWords);
* @brief Set the Primary SRC section ascii string field
* @param[in] asciiString - The ascii string
void setAsciiString(std::array<char, asciiStringSize> asciiString);
* @brief Get section count from the private header
* @return Number of sections
uint8_t getSectionCount();
* @brief Set section count in private heasder
* @param[in] sectionCount - Number of sections
void setSectionCount(uint8_t sectionCount);
* @brief Set the symptom id field in extended user header
* @param[in] symptomId - The symptom ID to set
void setSymptomId(const std::string& symptomId);
* @brief Update the PLID
void setPlid(uint32_t plid);
* @brief Maximum PEL size
static constexpr size_t _maxPELSize = 16384;
* @brief Returns the size of the PEL
* @return size_t The PEL size in bytes
size_t size() const;
* @brief PEL Private Header
std::unique_ptr<PrivateHeader> _ph;
* @brief PEL User Header
std::unique_ptr<UserHeader> _uh;
* @brief PEL Primary SRC
std::unique_ptr<PrimarySrc> _ps;
* @brief PEL Extended User Header
std::unique_ptr<ExtendedUserHeader> _eh;
} // namespace pel
} // namespace attn