blob: 75331740255c9d99dc5c35b724358cc9c90ba46c [file] [log] [blame]
#include <assert.h>
#include <hei_main.hpp>
#include <util/pdbg.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
namespace analyzer
uint64_t __hash(unsigned int i_bytes, const std::string& i_str)
// This hash is a simple "n*s[0] + (n-1)*s[1] + ... + s[n-1]" algorithm,
// where s[i] is a chunk from the input string the length of i_bytes.
// Currently only supporting 1-8 byte hashes.
assert(1 <= i_bytes && i_bytes <= sizeof(uint64_t));
// Start hashing each chunk.
uint64_t sumA = 0;
uint64_t sumB = 0;
// Iterate one chunk at a time.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < i_str.size(); i += i_bytes)
// Combine each chunk into a single integer value. If we reach the end
// of the string, pad with null characters.
uint64_t chunk = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i_bytes; j++)
chunk <<= 8;
chunk |= (i + j < i_str.size()) ? i_str[i + j] : '\0';
// Apply the simple hash.
sumA += chunk;
sumB += sumA;
// Mask off everything except the target number of bytes.
auto mask = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
sumB &= mask >> ((sizeof(uint64_t) - i_bytes) * 8);
return sumB;
bool __findRcsOscError(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
// TODO: Consider returning all of them instead of one as root cause.
auto itr = std::find_if(i_list.begin(), i_list.end(), [&](const auto& t) {
return (__hash(2, "TP_LOCAL_FIR") == t.getId() &&
(42 == t.getBit() || 43 == t.getBit()));
if (i_list.end() != itr)
o_rootCause = *itr;
return true;
return false;
bool __findPllUnlock(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
// TODO: Consider returning all of them instead of one as root cause.
auto itr = std::find_if(i_list.begin(), i_list.end(), [&](const auto& t) {
return (__hash(2, "PLL_UNLOCK") == t.getId() &&
(0 == t.getBit() || 1 == t.getBit()));
if (i_list.end() != itr)
o_rootCause = *itr;
return true;
return false;
bool __findMemoryChannelFailure(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
using namespace util::pdbg;
static const auto mc_dstl_fir = __hash(2, "MC_DSTL_FIR");
static const auto mc_ustl_fir = __hash(2, "MC_USTL_FIR");
static const auto mc_omi_dl_err_rpt = __hash(2, "MC_OMI_DL_ERR_RPT");
for (const auto s : i_list)
const auto targetType = getTrgtType(getTrgt(s.getChip()));
const auto id = s.getId();
const auto bit = s.getBit();
const auto attnType = s.getAttnType();
// Look for any unit checkstop attentions from OCMBs.
if (TYPE_OCMB == targetType)
// Any unit checkstop attentions will trigger a channel failure.
if (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_UNIT_CS == attnType)
o_rootCause = s;
return true;
// Look for channel failure attentions on processors.
else if (TYPE_PROC == targetType)
// TODO: All of these channel failure bits are configurable.
// Eventually, we will need some mechanism to check that
// config registers for a more accurate analysis. For now,
// simply check for all bits that could potentially be
// configured to channel failure.
// Any unit checkstop bit in the MC_DSTL_FIR or MC_USTL_FIR could
// be a channel failure.
if (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_UNIT_CS == attnType)
// Ignore bits MC_DSTL_FIR[0:7] because they simply indicate
// attentions occurred on the attached OCMBs.
if ((mc_dstl_fir == id && 8 <= bit) || (mc_ustl_fir == id))
o_rootCause = s;
return true;
// All bits in MC_OMI_DL_ERR_RPT eventually feed into
// MC_OMI_DL_FIR[0,20] which are configurable to channel failure.
if (mc_omi_dl_err_rpt == id)
o_rootCause = s;
return true;
return false; // default, nothing found
// Will query if a signature is a potential system checkstop root cause.
// attention. Note that this function excludes memory channel failure attentions
// and core unit checkstop attentions.
bool __findCsRootCause(const libhei::Signature& i_signature)
using namespace util::pdbg;
// PROC registers
static const auto eq_core_fir = __hash(2, "EQ_CORE_FIR");
static const auto eq_l2_fir = __hash(2, "EQ_L2_FIR");
static const auto eq_l3_fir = __hash(2, "EQ_L3_FIR");
static const auto eq_ncu_fir = __hash(2, "EQ_NCU_FIR");
static const auto iohs_dlp_fir_oc = __hash(2, "IOHS_DLP_FIR_OC");
static const auto iohs_dlp_fir_smp = __hash(2, "IOHS_DLP_FIR_SMP");
static const auto nx_cq_fir = __hash(2, "NX_CQ_FIR");
static const auto nx_dma_eng_fir = __hash(2, "NX_DMA_ENG_FIR");
static const auto pau_fir_0 = __hash(2, "PAU_FIR_0");
static const auto pau_fir_1 = __hash(2, "PAU_FIR_1");
static const auto pau_fir_2 = __hash(2, "PAU_FIR_2");
static const auto pau_ptl_fir = __hash(2, "PAU_PTL_FIR");
// OCMB registers
static const auto rdffir = __hash(2, "RDFFIR");
const auto targetType = getTrgtType(getTrgt(i_signature.getChip()));
const auto id = i_signature.getId();
const auto bit = i_signature.getBit();
if (TYPE_PROC == targetType)
if (eq_core_fir == id &&
(3 == bit || 5 == bit || 8 == bit || 12 == bit || 22 == bit ||
25 == bit || 32 == bit || 36 == bit || 38 == bit || 46 == bit ||
47 == bit || 57 == bit))
return true;
if (eq_l2_fir == id &&
(1 == bit || 12 == bit || 13 == bit || 17 == bit || 18 == bit ||
20 == bit || 27 == bit))
return true;
if (eq_l3_fir == id &&
(2 == bit || 5 == bit || 8 == bit || 11 == bit || 17 == bit))
return true;
if (eq_ncu_fir == id && (3 == bit || 4 == bit || 5 == bit || 7 == bit ||
8 == bit || 10 == bit || 17 == bit))
return true;
if (iohs_dlp_fir_oc == id && (54 <= bit && bit <= 61))
return true;
if (iohs_dlp_fir_smp == id && (54 <= bit && bit <= 61))
return true;
if (nx_cq_fir == id && (7 == bit || 16 == bit || 21 == bit))
return true;
if (nx_dma_eng_fir == id && (0 == bit))
return true;
if (pau_fir_0 == id &&
(15 == bit || 18 == bit || 19 == bit || 25 == bit || 26 == bit ||
29 == bit || 33 == bit || 34 == bit || 35 == bit || 40 == bit ||
42 == bit || 44 == bit || 45 == bit))
return true;
if (pau_fir_1 == id &&
(13 == bit || 14 == bit || 15 == bit || 37 == bit || 39 == bit ||
40 == bit || 41 == bit || 42 == bit))
return true;
if (pau_fir_2 == id &&
((4 <= bit && bit <= 18) || (20 <= bit && bit <= 31) ||
(36 <= bit && bit <= 41) || 45 == bit || 47 == bit || 48 == bit ||
50 == bit || 51 == bit || 52 == bit))
return true;
if (pau_ptl_fir == id && (4 == bit || 8 == bit))
return true;
else if (TYPE_OCMB == targetType)
if (rdffir == id && (14 == bit || 15 == bit || 17 == bit || 37 == bit))
return true;
return false; // default, nothing found
bool __findCsRootCause_RE(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
for (const auto s : i_list)
// Only looking for recoverable attentions.
if (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_RECOVERABLE != s.getAttnType())
if (__findCsRootCause(s))
o_rootCause = s;
return true;
return false; // default, nothing found
bool __findCsRootCause_UCS(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
for (const auto s : i_list)
// Only looking for unit checkstop attentions.
if (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_UNIT_CS != s.getAttnType())
if (__findCsRootCause(s))
o_rootCause = s;
return true;
return false; // default, nothing found
bool __findNonExternalCs(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_list,
libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
using namespace util::pdbg;
static const auto pb_ext_fir = __hash(2, "PB_EXT_FIR");
for (const auto s : i_list)
const auto targetType = getTrgtType(getTrgt(s.getChip()));
const auto id = s.getId();
const auto attnType = s.getAttnType();
// Find any processor with system checkstop attention that did not
// originate from the PB_EXT_FIR.
if ((TYPE_PROC == targetType) &&
(libhei::ATTN_TYPE_CHECKSTOP == attnType) && (pb_ext_fir != id))
o_rootCause = s;
return true;
return false; // default, nothing found
bool filterRootCause(const libhei::IsolationData& i_isoData,
libhei::Signature& o_rootCause)
// We'll need to make a copy of the list so that the original list is
// maintained for the log.
std::vector<libhei::Signature> list{i_isoData.getSignatureList()};
// TODO: Filtering should be data driven. Until that support is available,
// use the following isolation rules.
// Special and host attentions are not supported by this user application.
auto itr = std::remove_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [&](const auto& t) {
return (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_SP_ATTN == t.getAttnType() ||
libhei::ATTN_TYPE_HOST_ATTN == t.getAttnType());
list.resize(std::distance(list.begin(), itr));
if (list.empty())
return false; // the list is empty, nothing more to do
// First, look for any RCS OSC errors. This must always be first because
// they can cause downstream PLL unlock attentions.
if (__findRcsOscError(list, o_rootCause))
return true;
// Second, look for any PLL unlock attentions. This must always be second
// because PLL unlock attentions can cause any number of downstream
// attentions, including a system checkstop.
if (__findPllUnlock(list, o_rootCause))
return true;
// Memory channel failure attentions will produce SUEs and likely cause
// downstream attentions, including a system checkstop.
if (__findMemoryChannelFailure(list, o_rootCause))
return true;
// Look for any recoverable attentions that have been identified as a
// potential root cause of a system checkstop attention. These would include
// any attention that would generate an SUE. Note that is it possible for
// recoverables to generate unit checkstop attentions so we must check them
// first.
if (__findCsRootCause_RE(list, o_rootCause))
return true;
// Look for any unit checkstop attentions (other than memory channel
// failures) that have been identified as a potential root cause of a
// system checkstop attention. These would include any attention that would
// generate an SUE.
if (__findCsRootCause_UCS(list, o_rootCause))
return true;
// Look for any system checkstop attentions that originated from within the
// chip that reported the attention. In other words, no external checkstop
// attentions.
if (__findNonExternalCs(list, o_rootCause))
return true;
if (!list.empty())
// TODO: At this point, we have not found any known errors that could be
// attributed to a system checkstop attention. This would be an
// isolation error if this function is called specifically for
// checkstop analysis, but this function currently is called for
// TIs and manual analysis as well. For now, we'll just sort the
// remaining list (recoverable, unit checkstop, and then system
// checkstop) and return the first element in the list. Later,
// we'll change this to properly handle error path scenarios.
// Fortunately, we just need to sort the list by the greater attention
// type value.
std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [&](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
return a.getAttnType() > b.getAttnType();
// The entry at the front of the list will be the root cause.
o_rootCause = list.front();
return true;
return false; // default, no active attentions found.
} // namespace analyzer