blob: f9c09b547390c36fff0b8807eb9903fc8123608a [file] [log] [blame]
#include <analyzer/plugins/plugin.hpp>
#include <analyzer/resolution.hpp>
#include <util/pdbg.hpp>
#include <util/trace.hpp>
namespace analyzer
// Helper function to get the root cause chip target from the service data.
pdbg_target* __getRootCauseChipTarget(const ServiceData& i_sd)
auto target = util::pdbg::getTrgt(i_sd.getRootCause().getChip());
assert(nullptr != target); // This would be a really bad bug.
return target;
// Helper function to get a unit target from the given unit path, which is a
// devtree path relative the the containing chip. An empty string indicates the
// chip target should be returned.
pdbg_target* __getUnitTarget(pdbg_target* i_chipTarget,
const std::string& i_unitPath)
assert(nullptr != i_chipTarget);
auto target = i_chipTarget; // default, if i_unitPath is empty
if (!i_unitPath.empty())
auto path = std::string{util::pdbg::getPath(target)} + "/" + i_unitPath;
target = util::pdbg::getTrgt(path);
if (nullptr == target)
// Likely a bug the RAS data files.
throw std::logic_error("Unable to find target for " + path);
return target;
void HardwareCalloutResolution::resolve(ServiceData& io_sd) const
// Get the target for the hardware callout.
auto target = __getUnitTarget(__getRootCauseChipTarget(io_sd), iv_unitPath);
// Add the callout and the FFDC to the service data.
io_sd.calloutTarget(target, iv_priority, iv_guard);
void ConnectedCalloutResolution::resolve(ServiceData& io_sd) const
// Get the chip target from the root cause signature.
auto chipTarget = __getRootCauseChipTarget(io_sd);
// Get the endpoint target for the receiving side of the bus.
auto rxTarget = __getUnitTarget(chipTarget, iv_unitPath);
// Add the callout and the FFDC to the service data.
io_sd.calloutConnected(rxTarget, iv_busType, iv_priority, iv_guard);
void BusCalloutResolution::resolve(ServiceData& io_sd) const
// Get the chip target from the root cause signature.
auto chipTarget = __getRootCauseChipTarget(io_sd);
// Get the endpoint target for the receiving side of the bus.
auto rxTarget = __getUnitTarget(chipTarget, iv_unitPath);
// Add the callout and the FFDC to the service data.
io_sd.calloutBus(rxTarget, iv_busType, iv_priority, iv_guard);
void ClockCalloutResolution::resolve(ServiceData& io_sd) const
// Add the callout and the FFDC to the service data.
io_sd.calloutClock(iv_clockType, iv_priority, iv_guard);
void ProcedureCalloutResolution::resolve(ServiceData& io_sd) const
// Add the callout and the FFDC to the service data.
io_sd.calloutProcedure(iv_procedure, iv_priority);
void PluginResolution::resolve(ServiceData& io_sd) const
// Get the plugin function and call it.
auto chip = io_sd.getRootCause().getChip();
auto func = PluginMap::getSingleton().get(chip.getType(), iv_name);
func(iv_instance, chip, io_sd);
} // namespace analyzer