blob: 4e73e037ddc2a7f6fa77d52826578024b0766bc0 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <libpdbg.h>
#include <analyzer/analyzer_main.hpp>
#include <attn/attn_main.hpp>
#include <cli.hpp>
* @brief Attention handler application main()
* This is the main interface to the hardware diagnostics application. This
* application will either be loaded as a daemon for monitoring the attention
* gpio or it will be loaded as an application to analyze hardware and
* diagnose hadrware error conditions.
* Command line arguments:
* commands:
* analyze analyze hardware
* options:
* --daemon load application as a daemon
* --vital off disable vital attention handling (daemon mode)
* --checkstop off disable checkstop attention handling (daemon mode)
* --terminate off disable TI attention handling (daemon mode)
* --breakpoints off disable breakpoint attention handling (daemon mode)
* example:
* openpower-hw-diags --daemon --terminate off
* @return 0 = success
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int rc = 0; // return code
// attention handler configuration flags
bool vital_enable = true;
bool checkstop_enable = true;
bool ti_enable = true;
bool bp_enable = true;
// initialize pdbg targets
// get configuration options
parseConfig(argv, argv + argc, vital_enable, checkstop_enable, ti_enable,
// check if we are being loaded as a daemon
if (true == getCliOption(argv, argv + argc, "--daemon"))
attn::Config config(vital_enable, checkstop_enable, ti_enable,
// Configure and start attention monitor
// we are being loaded as an application
// Request to analyze the hardware for error conditions
if (true == getCliOption(argv, argv + argc, "analyze"))
return rc;