blob: 774fb0a5c26a3e78b44e4b014ed704352fe9ed7d [file] [log] [blame]
#include <assert.h>
#include <libpdbg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <hei_main.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include <util/trace.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
namespace analyzer
* @brief send chip data file to isolator
* Read a chip data file into memory and then send it to the isolator via
* the initialize interface.
* @param i_filePath The file path and name to read into memory
* @return Returns true if the isolator was successfully initialized with
* a single chip data file. Returns false otherwise.
void initWithFile(const char* i_filePath)
// open the file and seek to the end to get length
std::ifstream fileStream(i_filePath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if (!fileStream.good())
trace::err("Unable to open file: %s", i_filePath);
// get file size based on seek position
fileStream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
std::ifstream::pos_type fileSize = fileStream.tellg();
// create a buffer large enough to hold the entire file
std::vector<char> fileBuffer(fileSize);
// seek to the beginning of the file
fileStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
// read the entire file into the buffer, fileSize);
// done with the file
// initialize the isolator with the chip data
libhei::initialize(, fileSize);
uint8_t __attrType(pdbg_target* i_trgt)
uint8_t attr = 0;
pdbg_target_get_attribute(i_trgt, "ATTR_TYPE", 1, 1, &attr);
return attr;
uint32_t __attrFapiPos(pdbg_target* i_trgt)
uint32_t attr = 0;
pdbg_target_get_attribute(i_trgt, "ATTR_FAPI_POS", 4, 1, &attr);
return attr;
const char* __path(const libhei::Chip& i_chip)
return pdbg_target_path((pdbg_target*)i_chip.getChip());
const char* __attn(libhei::AttentionType_t i_attnType)
const char* str = "";
switch (i_attnType)
str = "CHECKSTOP";
case libhei::ATTN_TYPE_UNIT_CS:
str = "UNIT_CS";
case libhei::ATTN_TYPE_SP_ATTN:
str = "SP_ATTN";
case libhei::ATTN_TYPE_HOST_ATTN:
str = "HOST_ATTN";
trace::err("Unsupported attention type: %u", i_attnType);
return str;
uint32_t __trgt(const libhei::Signature& i_sig)
auto trgt = (pdbg_target*)i_sig.getChip().getChip();
uint8_t type = __attrType(trgt);
uint32_t pos = __attrFapiPos(trgt);
// Technically, the FapiPos attribute is 32-bit, but not likely to ever go
// over 24-bit.
return type << 24 | (pos & 0xffffff);
uint32_t __sig(const libhei::Signature& i_sig)
return i_sig.getId() << 16 | i_sig.getInstance() << 8 | i_sig.getBit();
// Returns the chip model/level of the given target. Also, adds the chip
// model/level to the list of type types needed to initialize the isolator.
libhei::ChipType_t __getChipType(pdbg_target* i_trgt,
std::vector<libhei::ChipType_t>& o_types)
libhei::ChipType_t type;
// TODO: Will need to grab the model/level from the target attributes when
// they are available. For now, use ATTR_TYPE to determine which
// currently supported value to use supported.
uint8_t attrType = __attrType(i_trgt);
switch (attrType)
case 0x05: // PROC
type = 0x120DA049;
case 0x4b: // OCMB_CHIP
type = 0x160D2000;
trace::err("Unsupported ATTR_TYPE value: 0x%02x", attrType);
// Make sure the model/level list contains unique values only.
// This is O(n*n), but the list size will likely be very low, probably
// maxing around a half dozen. So, opting for simplicity.
if (o_types.end() == std::find(o_types.begin(), o_types.end(), type))
return type;
// Gathers list of active chips to analyze. Also, returns the list of chip types
// needed to initialize the isolator.
void __getActiveChips(std::vector<libhei::Chip>& o_chips,
std::vector<libhei::ChipType_t>& o_types)
// Iterate each processor.
pdbg_target* procTrgt;
pdbg_for_each_class_target("proc", procTrgt)
// Active processors only.
if (PDBG_TARGET_ENABLED != pdbg_target_probe(procTrgt))
// Add the processor to the list.
o_chips.emplace_back(procTrgt, __getChipType(procTrgt, o_types));
// Iterate the connected OCMBs, if they exist.
pdbg_target* ocmbTrgt;
pdbg_for_each_target("ocmb", procTrgt, ocmbTrgt)
// Active OCMBs only.
if (PDBG_TARGET_ENABLED != pdbg_target_probe(ocmbTrgt))
// Add the OCMB to the list.
o_chips.emplace_back(ocmbTrgt, __getChipType(ocmbTrgt, o_types));
// For debug, trace out all of the chips found.
for (const auto& chip : o_chips)
trace::inf("chip:%s type:0x%0" PRIx32, __path(chip), chip.getType());
// Initializes the isolator for each specified chip type.
void __initializeIsolator(const std::vector<libhei::ChipType_t>& i_types)
// TODO: The chip data will eventually come from the CHIPDATA section of the
// PNOR. Until that support is available, we'll use temporary chip
// data files.
for (const auto& type : i_types)
switch (type)
case 0x120DA049: // PROC
case 0x160D2000: // OCMB_CHIP
trace::err("Unsupported ChipType_t value: 0x%0" PRIx32, type);
// Takes a signature list that will be filtered and sorted. The first entry in
// the returned list will be the root cause. If the returned list is empty,
// analysis failed.
void __filterRootCause(std::vector<libhei::Signature>& io_list)
// For debug, trace out the original list of signatures before filtering.
for (const auto& sig : io_list)
trace::inf("Signature: %s 0x%0" PRIx32 " %s", __path(sig.getChip()),
__sig(sig), __attn(sig.getAttnType()));
// Special and host attentions are not supported by this user application.
auto newEndItr =
std::remove_if(io_list.begin(), io_list.end(), [&](const auto& t) {
return (libhei::ATTN_TYPE_SP_ATTN == t.getAttnType() ||
libhei::ATTN_TYPE_HOST_ATTN == t.getAttnType());
// Shrink the vector, if needed.
io_list.resize(std::distance(io_list.begin(), newEndItr));
// TODO: Filtering should be determined by the RAS Data Files provided by
// the host firmware via the PNOR (similar to the Chip Data Files).
// Until that support is available, use a rudimentary filter that
// first looks for any recoverable attention, then any unit checkstop,
// and then any system checkstop. This is built on the premise that
// recoverable errors could be the root cause of an system checkstop
// attentions. Fortunately, we just need to sort the list by the
// greater attention type value.
std::sort(io_list.begin(), io_list.end(),
[&](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
return a.getAttnType() > b.getAttnType();
bool __logError(const std::vector<libhei::Signature>& i_sigList,
const libhei::IsolationData& i_isoData)
bool attnFound = false;
// Get numerical values for the root cause.
uint32_t word6 = 0; // [ 0: 7]: chip target type
// [ 8:31]: chip FAPI position
// uint32_t word7 = 0; // TODO: chip target info
uint32_t word8 = 0; // [ 0:15]: node ID
// [16:23]: node instance
// [24:31]: bit position
// uint32_t word9 = 0; // [ 0: 7]: attention type
if (i_sigList.empty())
trace::inf("No active attentions found");
attnFound = true;
// The root cause attention is the first in the filtered list.
libhei::Signature root = i_sigList.front();
word6 = __trgt(root);
word8 = __sig(root);
trace::inf("Root cause attention: %s 0x%0" PRIx32 " %s",
__path(root.getChip()), word8, __attn(root.getAttnType()));
// Get the log data.
std::map<std::string, std::string> logData;
logData["_PID"] = std::to_string(getpid());
logData["CHIP_ID"] = std::to_string(word6);
logData["SIGNATURE"] = std::to_string(word8);
// Get access to logging interface and method for creating log.
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default_system();
// Using direct create method (for additional data)
auto method = bus.new_method_call(
"xyz.openbmc_project.Logging", "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging",
"xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create", "Create");
// Attach additional data
"xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error", logData);
// Log the event.
// TODO: Should the reply be handled?;
return attnFound;
bool analyzeHardware()
bool attnFound = false;
trace::inf(">>> enter analyzeHardware()");
// Get the active chips to be analyzed and their types.
std::vector<libhei::Chip> chipList;
std::vector<libhei::ChipType_t> chipTypes;
__getActiveChips(chipList, chipTypes);
// Initialize the isolator for all chip types.
trace::inf("Initializing isolator: # of types=%u", chipTypes.size());
// Isolate attentions.
trace::inf("Isolating errors: # of chips=%u", chipList.size());
libhei::IsolationData isoData{};
libhei::isolate(chipList, isoData);
// Filter signatures to determine root cause. We'll need to make a copy of
// the list so that the original list is maintained for the log.
std::vector<libhei::Signature> sigList{isoData.getSignatureList()};
// Create and commit a log.
attnFound = __logError(sigList, isoData);
// All done, clean up the isolator.
trace::inf("Uninitializing isolator");
trace::inf("<<< exit analyzeHardware()");
return attnFound;
} // namespace analyzer