blob: ab72ab7e51224b85cdc2e62a7603bedf51768302 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <libpdbg.h>
#include <analyzer/analyzer_main.hpp>
#include <attn/attention.hpp>
#include <attn/attn_config.hpp>
#include <attn/attn_handler.hpp>
#include <attn/attn_logging.hpp>
#include <attn/bp_handler.hpp>
#include <attn/ti_handler.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
namespace attn
* @brief Handle SBE vital attention
* @param i_attention Attention object
* @return 0 indicates that the vital attention was successfully handled
* 1 indicates that the vital attention was NOT successfully handled
int handleVital(Attention* i_attention);
* @brief Handle checkstop attention
* @param i_attention Attention object
* @return 0 indicates that the checkstop attention was successfully handled
* 1 indicates that the checkstop attention was NOT successfully
* handled.
int handleCheckstop(Attention* i_attention);
* @brief Handle special attention
* @param i_attention Attention object
* @return 0 indicates that the special attention was successfully handled
* 1 indicates that the special attention was NOT successfully handled
int handleSpecial(Attention* i_attention);
* @brief The main attention handler logic
* @param i_breakpoints true = breakpoint special attn handling enabled
void attnHandler(Config* i_config)
// Vector of active attentions to be handled
std::vector<Attention> active_attentions;
uint32_t isr_val, isr_mask;
uint32_t proc;
// loop through processors looking for active attentions
trace<level::INFO>("Attention handler started");
pdbg_target* target;
pdbg_for_each_class_target("proc", target)
if (PDBG_TARGET_ENABLED == pdbg_target_probe(target))
proc = pdbg_target_index(target); // get processor number
std::stringstream ss; // log message stream
ss << "checking processor " << proc;
// The processor FSI target is required for CFAM read
char path[16];
sprintf(path, "/proc%d/fsi", proc);
pdbg_target* attnTarget = pdbg_target_from_path(nullptr, path);
if (PDBG_TARGET_ENABLED == pdbg_target_probe(attnTarget))
// get active attentions on processor
if (RC_SUCCESS != fsi_read(attnTarget, 0x1007, &isr_val))
// event
// trace
trace<level::INFO>("Error! cfam read 0x1007 FAILED");
std::stringstream ss; // log message stream
ss << "cfam 0x1007 = 0x";
ss << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0');
ss << isr_val;
// get interrupt enabled special attentions mask
if (RC_SUCCESS != fsi_read(attnTarget, 0x100d, &isr_mask))
// event
// trace
trace<level::INFO>("Error! cfam read 0x100d FAILED");
// CFAM 0x100d is expected to have bits set
// corresponding to attentions that can generate an
// attention interrupt. We will trace this register
// value to help debug cases where the attention handler
// was invoked unexpectedly.
std::stringstream ss; // log message stream
ss << "cfam 0x100d = 0x";
ss << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0');
ss << isr_mask;
// bit 0 on "left": bit 30 = SBE vital attention
if (isr_val & 0x00000002)
handleVital, target,
// bit 0 on "left": bit 1 = checkstop
if (isr_val & 0x40000000)
target, i_config);
// bit 0 on "left": bit 2 = special attention
if (isr_val & 0x20000000)
target, i_config);
} // cfam 0x100d valid
} // cfam 0x1007 valid
} // proc target enabled
} // fsi target enabled
} // next processor
// convert to heap, highest priority is at front
if (!std::is_heap(active_attentions.begin(), active_attentions.end()))
std::make_heap(active_attentions.begin(), active_attentions.end());
// call the attention handler until one is handled or all were attempted
while (false == active_attentions.empty())
// handle highest priority attention, done if successful
if (RC_SUCCESS == active_attentions.front().handle())
// an attention was handled so we are done
// move attention to back of vector
std::pop_heap(active_attentions.begin(), active_attentions.end());
// remove attention from vector
* @brief Handle SBE vital attention
* @param i_attention Attention object
* @return 0 indicates that the vital attention was successfully handled
* 1 indicates that the vital attention was NOT successfully handled
int handleVital(Attention* i_attention)
int rc = RC_SUCCESS; // assume vital handled
trace<level::INFO>("vital handler started");
// if vital handling enabled, handle vital attention
if (false == (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(enVital)))
trace<level::INFO>("vital handling disabled");
return rc;
* @brief Handle checkstop attention
* @param i_attention Attention object
* @return 0 indicates that the checkstop attention was successfully handled
* 1 indicates that the checkstop attention was NOT successfully
* handled.
int handleCheckstop(Attention* i_attention)
int rc = RC_SUCCESS; // assume checkstop handled
trace<level::INFO>("checkstop handler started");
// if checkstop handling enabled, handle checkstop attention
if (false == (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(enCheckstop)))
trace<level::INFO>("Checkstop handling disabled");
// Look for any attentions found in hardware. This will generate and
// comment a PEL if any errors are found.
if (true != analyzer::analyzeHardware())
return rc;
* @brief Handle special attention
* @param i_attention Attention object
* @return 0 indicates that the special attention was successfully handled
* 1 indicates that the special attention was NOT successfully handled
int handleSpecial(Attention* i_attention)
int rc = RC_SUCCESS; // assume special attention handled
// The TI infor chipop will give us a pointer to the TI info data
uint8_t* tiInfo = nullptr; // ptr to TI info data
uint32_t tiInfoLen = 0; // length of TI info data
pdbg_target* attnProc = i_attention->getTarget(); // proc with attention
if (attnProc != nullptr)
// The processor PIB target is required for get TI info chipop
char path[16];
sprintf(path, "/proc%d/pib", pdbg_target_index(attnProc));
pdbg_target* tiInfoTarget = pdbg_target_from_path(nullptr, path);
if (nullptr != tiInfoTarget)
if (PDBG_TARGET_ENABLED == pdbg_target_probe(tiInfoTarget))
trace<level::INFO>("calling sbe_mpipl_get_ti_info");
sbe_mpipl_get_ti_info(tiInfoTarget, &tiInfo, &tiInfoLen);
if (tiInfo == nullptr)
trace<level::INFO>("TI info data ptr is null after call");
// Note: If we want to support running this application on architectures
// of different endian-ness we need to handler that here. The TI data
// will always be written in big-endian order.
// If TI area exists and is marked valid we can assume TI occurred
if ((nullptr != tiInfo) && (0 != tiInfo[0]))
trace<level::INFO>("TI info data present and valid");
TiDataArea* tiDataArea = (TiDataArea*)tiInfo;
// trace a few known TI data area values
std::stringstream ss; // log message stream
ss << "TI data command = " << tiDataArea->command;
ss << "TI data SRC format = " << tiDataArea->srcFormat;
ss << "TI data hb_terminate_type = " << tiDataArea->hbTerminateType;
if (true == (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(enTerminate)))
trace<level::INFO>("TI (terminate immediately)");
// Call TI special attention handler
rc = tiHandler(tiDataArea);
// TI area not valid, assume breakpoint
trace<level::INFO>("TI info NOT available, assume breakpoint");
if (true == (i_attention->getConfig()->getFlag(enBreakpoints)))
// Call the breakpoint special attention handler
// release TI data buffer
if (nullptr != tiInfo)
if (RC_SUCCESS != rc)
trace<level::INFO>("Special attn not handled");
return rc;
} // namespace attn