blob: 4ace713a0fae0e9969a3b26fdff8cce00f53af3b [file] [log] [blame]
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
/** @brief Search the command line arguments for an option */
bool getCliOption(char** i_begin, char** i_end, const std::string& i_option)
return (i_end != std::find(i_begin, i_end, i_option));
/** @brief Search the command line arguments for a setting value */
char* getCliSetting(char** i_begin, char** i_end, const std::string& i_setting)
char** value = std::find(i_begin, i_end, i_setting);
return (value != i_end && ++value != i_end) ? *value : 0;
/** @brief Parse command line for configuration flags */
void parseConfig(char** i_begin, char** i_end, bool& o_vital, bool& o_checkstop,
bool& o_terminate, bool& o_breakpoints)
char* setting;
// --all on/off takes precedence over individual settings
setting = getCliSetting(i_begin, i_end, "--all");
if (nullptr != setting)
if (std::string("off") == setting)
o_vital = false;
o_checkstop = false;
o_terminate = false;
o_breakpoints = false;
if (std::string("on") == setting)
o_vital = true;
o_checkstop = true;
o_terminate = true;
o_breakpoints = true;
// Parse individual options
setting = getCliSetting(i_begin, i_end, "--vital");
if (std::string("off") == setting)
o_vital = false;
if (std::string("on") == setting)
o_vital = true;
setting = getCliSetting(i_begin, i_end, "--checkstop");
if (std::string("off") == setting)
o_checkstop = false;
if (std::string("on") == setting)
o_checkstop = true;
setting = getCliSetting(i_begin, i_end, "--terminate");
if (std::string("off") == setting)
o_terminate = false;
if (std::string("on") == setting)
o_terminate = true;
setting = getCliSetting(i_begin, i_end, "--breakpoints");
if (std::string("off") == setting)
o_breakpoints = false;
if (std::string("on") == setting)
o_breakpoints = true;