blob: 03d6a8f72f7f4232051f4c09b0751b07bc24893b [file] [log] [blame]
#include <hei_main.hpp>
namespace analyzer
// Quick test that we can call the core libhei functions. This function
// is called from the attention handler when a checkstop event is active.
void analyzeHardware()
using namespace libhei;
// Add some chips for error isolation
std::vector<Chip> chipList;
chipList.emplace_back(Chip{"proc", static_cast<ChipType_t>(0xdeadbeef)});
// Isolation data that will be populated by isolator
IsolationData isoData{};
// Isolate active hardware errors in chips
initialize(nullptr, 0);
isolate(chipList, isoData);
} // namespace analyzer