blob: 251857b799c8e9cc917249f2b0a77c7b91a3e35e [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <gpiod.h>
#include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/posix/stream_descriptor.hpp>
namespace attn
* @brief Responsible for monitoring attention GPIO state change
class AttnMonitor
AttnMonitor() = delete;
~AttnMonitor() = default;
/** @brief Constructs AttnMonitor object.
* The AttnMonitor constructor will create a new object and start
* the objects associated GPIO listener.
* @param line GPIO line handle
* @param config configuration of line
* @param io io service
* @param i_breakpoints true = breakpoint special attn handling enabled
AttnMonitor(gpiod_line* line, gpiod_line_request_config& config,
boost::asio::io_service& io, bool i_breakpoints) :
iv_gpioConfig(config), iv_gpioEventDescriptor(io),
requestGPIOEvent(); // registers the event handler
// delete copy constructor
AttnMonitor(const AttnMonitor&) = delete;
// delete assignment operator
AttnMonitor& operator=(const AttnMonitor&) = delete;
// delere move copy consructor
AttnMonitor(AttnMonitor&&) = delete;
// delete move assignment operator
AttnMonitor& operator=(AttnMonitor&&) = delete;
private: // instance variables
/** @brief gpiod handle to gpio line */
gpiod_line* iv_gpioLine;
/** @brief gpiod line config data */
gpiod_line_request_config iv_gpioConfig;
/** @brief GPIO event descriptor */
boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor iv_gpioEventDescriptor;
private: // class methods
/** @brief schedule a gpio event handler */
void scheduleGPIOEvent();
/** @brief handle the GPIO event */
void handleGPIOEvent();
/** @brief register for a gpio event */
void requestGPIOEvent();
/** @brief enable breakpoint special attn handling */
bool iv_breakpoints;
} // namespace attn