blob: ef40564455efa44f9e2e7c671f1b61aef326c163 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <isolator/hei_isolation_chip.hpp>
namespace libhei
bool IsolationChip::analyze(const Chip& i_chip, IsolationData& io_isoData) const
bool o_activeAttn = false; // Initially, assume no active attentions.
// The given chip must be the same type as iv_chipType.
HEI_ASSERT(iv_chipType == i_chip.getType());
// Iterate each root node.
for (const auto& node : iv_rootNodes)
if (node.second->analyze(i_chip, node.first, io_isoData))
// At least one attention type had an active attention.
o_activeAttn = true;
return o_activeAttn;
} // end namespace libhei