blob: d4acddf764e28a6286132f667bf017cb2c81fdb1 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <hei_isolation_data.hpp>
#include <isolator/hei_isolation_node.hpp>
namespace libhei
* @brief This class contains all information required to isolate attentions on
* a specific chip type.
* The primary function of this class is analyze(), which will do a depth-first
* search of the hardware attention reporting tree structure (characterized by
* IsolationNode objects) to find all active attentions on a chip.
* The data for each chip type is built from information in the Chip Data Files.
* Most of the objects created and referenced by this class are stored in the
* flyweight factories, which are used as a space saving mechanism by
* preventing duplicate object creation. For example, a large set of the
* registers for a specific chip model will likely be common between each of
* chip level of that model. It is not necessary to create new objects for
* each level when the attributes are all the same. Because the flyweights are
* used, it is not possible to remove all of the data for a specific chip
* model/level be deleting an IsolationChip object. Instead, you must call the
* main uninitialize() function and clear all data for all objects.
class IsolationChip
public: // Constructors, destructor, assignment
/** @brief Constructor. */
explicit IsolationChip(ChipType_t i_chipType) : iv_chipType(i_chipType) {}
/** @brief Destructor. */
~IsolationChip() = default;
/** @brief Copy constructor. */
IsolationChip(const IsolationChip&) = delete;
/** @brief Assignment operator. */
IsolationChip& operator=(const IsolationChip&) = delete;
private: // Instance variables
/** This chip's type. */
const ChipType_t iv_chipType;
/** Root nodes for this chip type. */
RootNodeMap iv_rootNodes;
public: // Member functions
* @brief Finds all active attentions on this chip.
* @param i_chip The target chip for isolation. Will assert the given
* chip type matches iv_chipType.
* @param io_isoData The isolation data returned back to the user
* application.
* @return True, if any active attentions found on this chip.
* False, otherwise.
bool analyze(const Chip& i_chip, IsolationData& io_isoData) const;
/** @brief Chip type accessor. */
ChipType_t getChipType() const
return iv_chipType;
* @brief Adds a root node to this chip.
* @param i_attnType The target attention type. Will assert this type does
* not already exist in iv_rootNodes.
* @param i_node The target isolation node for this attention type.
void addRootNode(AttentionType_t i_attnType, IsolationNodePtr i_node)
auto ret = iv_rootNodes.emplace(i_attnType, i_node);
HEI_ASSERT(ret.second); // Should have not already existed.
/** A simple map to ensure only one IsolationChip exists per chip type. */
using IsolationChipMap =
std::map<ChipType_t, const std::unique_ptr<const IsolationChip>>;
} // end namespace libhei