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/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
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/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfScanFacility.H $ */
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
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/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2018 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
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/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
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@file prdfScanFacility.H
@brief Description
// Includes
#include <register/hei_hardware_register.hpp>
#include <register/hei_operator_register.hpp>
#include <prdfFlyWeight.H>
#include <prdfFlyWeightS.H>
#include <vector>
#include <prdfHomRegisterAccess.H>
#include <prdfScomRegisterAccess.H>
#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
namespace PRDF
PRD Scan Facility
@author Doug Gilbert
@par The Scan facility is used by PRD to access Scan and Scan Comm
@ functions.It attempts to reduce duplicate objects and their
@ aggragates as must as possible.
class ScanFacility
The Scan Facility is a singleton - this function provides access to it.
static ScanFacility & Access(void);
* @brief Returns reference to flyweight object of type ScomRegister.
* An object of given address is first searched in flyweight.
* If object exist, reference to existing object is returned
* else a new one is created.
* @param i_address address of the register
* @param i_scomLength length of the bit string
* @param i_type type of target associated with register
* @param i_regOp operations supported for given register
* @return returns reference to flyweight object from factory
Register & GetScanCommRegister( uint64_t address,
uint32_t i_scomLength, TARGETING::TYPE i_type,
Register::AccessLevel i_regOp );
* @brief Get a register that bitwise inverts the bitstring of a register
* when read or written to
* @param Register source
* @post Only one instance of the register with this SCR parameter will
* exist
Register & GetNotRegister(Register & i_arg);
* @brief Get a register that bitwise left shift the bitstring of a register
* when read or written to
* @param Register source
* @post Only one instance of the register with this SCR parameter and
* amount will exist
Register & GetLeftShiftRegister(
Register & i_arg, uint16_t i_amount);
* @brief Get a register that bitwise right shift the bitstring of a register
* when read or written to
* @param Register source
* @post Only one instance of the register with this SCR parameter and amount
* @ will exist
Register & GetRightShiftRegister(
Register & i_arg, uint16_t i_amount);
* @brief Get a register for the summary construct
* @param Register source
* @param uint16_t i_bit bit to set if any attentions found in i_arg
* @post Only one instance of the register with this SCR parameter and
* amount will exist
Register & GetSummaryRegister(
Register & i_arg, uint16_t i_bit);
* @brief Get a register that bit-wise ANDs the bitstring of two register
* when read or written to
* @param The 2 SCR 's to AND
* @posrt Only one instance of the register with these SCRs will exist
Register & GetAndRegister(Register & i_left,
Register & i_right);
* @brief Get a register that bitwise ORs the bitstrings of two register when
* read or written
* @param the 2 SCR's to OR
* @post Only one instance of the register with these SCR's will exist
Register & GetOrRegister(Register & i_left,
Register & i_right);
* @brief Get a AttnTypeRegister
* @params 5 pointers to scr Registers
* @post only one instance of the register with these SCR's will exist
Register & GetAttnTypeRegister(
Register * i_check,
Register * i_recov,
Register * i_special,
Register * i_proccs,
Register * i_hostattn );
* @brief Get a PrdfConstantRegister
* @param BitString - the bit string constant to use.
* @post only one instance of the register with this BIT_STRING value will
* exist.
Register & GetConstantRegister(const BitStringBuffer & i_val);
* @brief Get a plugin register
* @param Reference to target less flyweight object
* @param RuleChip associatd with register
* @post only one instance of the register with this BIT_STRING value will
* exist.
Register & GetPluginRegister(
Register & i_flyweight,
ExtensibleChip & i_RuleChip );
* @brief Delete all the plugin register
* @param None
* @post all the ScomRegisterAccess register flyweight object created for
* plugin shall be deleted
* exist.
void ResetPluginRegister();
* @brief Intended to reset all the flyweights if PRD is uninitialized due to
* a reIPL, reset/reload, or failover. This free up the memory and
* avoids memory leaks in the flyweights.
void reset();
* @brief prints memory allocated for object residing on flyweight
void printStats();
// ~ScanFacility();
private: // functions
* @param
* @returns
* @pre
* @post
* @see
* @note
ScanFacility() {}
private: // Data
typedef FlyWeightS<ScomRegister,50> ScanCommRegisters;
//FIXME RTC 64345 Investigate benefit of changing below from FlyWeight to
typedef FlyWeight<AttnTypeRegister,50> AttnTypeRegisters;
typedef FlyWeightS<AndRegister,50> AndRegisters;
typedef FlyWeightS<OrRegister,10> OrRegisters;
typedef FlyWeightS<NotRegister,50> NotRegisters;
typedef FlyWeightS<LeftShiftRegister,10> LeftShiftRegisters;
typedef FlyWeightS<RightShiftRegister, 10> RightShiftRegisters;
typedef FlyWeightS<SummaryRegister,10> SummaryRegisters;
typedef FlyWeight<ConstantRegister, 10> ConstantRegisters;
typedef FlyWeightS<ScomRegisterAccess, 10> PluginRegisters;
ScanCommRegisters iv_scomRegFw;
AttnTypeRegisters iv_attnRegFw;
AndRegisters iv_andRegFw;
OrRegisters iv_orRegFw;
NotRegisters iv_notRegFw;
LeftShiftRegisters iv_leftRegFw;
SummaryRegisters iv_sumRegFw;
RightShiftRegisters iv_rightRegFw;
ConstantRegisters iv_constRegFw;
PluginRegisters iv_pluginRegFw;
} // end namespace PRDF