blob: 2cfc7e36dc862590a466065208010aa4286f1d70 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
namespace libhei
class BitStringBuffer;
// ##############################################################################
// BitString class
// ##############################################################################
* A BitString is general purpose class providing the ability to manipulate
* individual bits within an allocated section of contiguous memory.
* A BitString does not "own" the memory, it only accesses and manipulates the
* bits in the range specified. Users will need to ensure memory is allocated
* and deallocated appropriately. As an alternative, a BitStringBuffer is a
* BitString that will allocate and maintain its own memory.
* The length of a BitString is only limited by the amount of memory that
* contains the data buffer.
* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* - The bit positions are ordered 0 to n (left to right), where n is the bit
* length minus one.
* - The data stored in memory is assumed to be in big-endian byte format.
* So, for example:
* uint8_t a[2]; // 16 bits of memory
* BitString bs { 16, a }; // init BitString for a
* bs.setFieldRight(0, 16, 0x1122); // set all 16 bits to 0x1122
* Results in:
* a[0] == bs.getFieldRight(0, 8) (i.e. 0x11)
* a[1] == bs.getFieldRight(8, 8) (i.e. 0x22)
* It is very important you do NOT do this:
* uint16_t x = 0x1122; // 16 bits of memory
* BitString bs { 16, &x }; // init BitString for x
* The results are undefined, or at least not portable. For example:
* Big-endian:
* x is stored in memory as |0x11|0x22|.
* Therefore, bs.getFieldRight(0, 8) returns 0x11.
* Little-endian:
* x is stored in memory as |0x22|0x11|.
* Therefore, bs.getFieldRight(0, 8) returns 0x22.
class BitString
private: // constants
static const uint64_t UINT64_BIT_LEN;
static const uint64_t UINT8_BIT_LEN;
public: // functions
* @brief Constructor
* @param i_bitLen The number of bits in the bit string.
* @param i_bufAddr The starting address of the memory buffer.
* @param i_offset By default, position 0 will be the first bit of the
* buffer's start address. However, this parameter can be
* used to indicate that position 0 actually starts
* somewhere in the middle of the buffer.
* @pre Use getMinBytes() to calulate the minimum number of bytes needed
* to allocate sufficient memory space for this bit string.
BitString(uint64_t i_bitLen, void* i_bufAddr, uint64_t i_offset = 0) :
iv_bitLen(i_bitLen), iv_bufAddr(static_cast<uint8_t*>(i_bufAddr)),
/** @brief Destructor */
virtual ~BitString() {}
/** @return The number of bits in the bit string buffer. */
uint64_t getBitLen() const
return iv_bitLen;
/** @return The address of the bit string buffer. Note that this may
* return nullptr. */
uint8_t* getBufAddr() const
return iv_bufAddr;
* @param i_bitLen The number of bits for a bit string.
* @param i_offset Optional starting position of the bit string within the
* memory buffer.
* @return The minimum number of bytes required to allocate sufficient
* memory space for a bit string.
static uint64_t getMinBytes(uint64_t i_bitLen, uint64_t i_offset = 0)
return (i_bitLen + i_offset + UINT8_BIT_LEN - 1) / UINT8_BIT_LEN;
* @brief Returns a left-justified value of the given length from the bit
* string starting at the given position.
* @param i_pos The starting position of the target range.
* @param i_len The number of bits of the target range.
* @return The value of the field range specified (left-justified).
* @pre nullptr != getBufAddr()
* @pre 0 < i_len
* @pre i_len <= UINT64_BIT_LEN
* @pre i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
uint64_t getFieldLeft(uint64_t i_pos, uint64_t i_len) const
return getFieldRight(i_pos, i_len) << (UINT64_BIT_LEN - i_len);
* @brief Returns a right-justified value of the given length from the bit
* string starting at the given position.
* @param i_pos The starting position of the target range.
* @param i_len The number of bits of the target range.
* @return The value of the field range specified (right-justified).
* @pre nullptr != getBufAddr()
* @pre 0 < i_len
* @pre i_len <= UINT64_BIT_LEN
* @pre i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
uint64_t getFieldRight(uint64_t i_pos, uint64_t i_len) const;
* @brief Sets a left-justified value of the given length into the bit
* string starting at the given position.
* @param i_pos The starting position of the target range.
* @param i_len The number of bits of the target range.
* @param i_val The left-justified value to set.
* @pre nullptr != getBufAddr()
* @pre 0 < i_len
* @pre i_len <= UINT64_BIT_LEN
* @pre i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
void setFieldLeft(uint64_t i_pos, uint64_t i_len, uint64_t i_val);
* @brief Sets a right-justified value of the given length into the bit
* string starting at the given position.
* @param i_pos The starting position of the target range.
* @param i_len The number of bits of the target range.
* @param i_val The right-justified value to set.
* @pre nullptr != getBufAddr()
* @pre 0 < i_len
* @pre i_len <= UINT64_BIT_LEN
* @pre i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
void setFieldRight(uint64_t i_pos, uint64_t i_len, uint64_t i_val)
setFieldLeft(i_pos, i_len, i_val << (UINT64_BIT_LEN - i_len));
* @param i_pos The target position.
* @return True if the bit at the given position is set(1), false otherwise.
* @pre i_pos < getBitLen().
bool isBitSet(uint64_t i_pos) const
return 0 != getFieldRight(i_pos, 1);
* @brief Sets the target position to 1.
* @param i_pos The target position.
* @pre i_pos < getBitLen().
void setBit(uint64_t i_pos)
setFieldRight(i_pos, 1, 1);
/** @brief Sets the entire bit string to 1's. */
void setAll()
* @brief Sets the target position to 0.
* @param i_pos The target position.
* @pre i_pos < getBitLen().
void clearBit(uint64_t i_pos)
setFieldRight(i_pos, 1, 0);
/** @brief Sets the entire bit string to 0's. */
void clearAll()
* @brief Sets a range within the string based on the pattern and length
* provided.
* @param i_sPos Starting position of this string.
* @param i_sLen The length of the target range.
* @param i_pattern The pattern to set (right justified).
* @param i_pLen The length of the pattern.
* @pre nullptr != getBufAddr()
* @pre 0 < i_sLen
* @pre i_sPos + i_sLen <= getBitLen()
* @pre 0 < i_pLen <= UINT64_BIT_LEN
* @post The pattern is repeated/truncated as needed.
* Examples: i_sPos(0), i_sLen(10), i_pattern(0xA), i_pLen(4)
* Old String: 0000000000
* New String: 1010101010
* i_sPos(3), i_sLen(4), i_pattern(0x3), i_pLen(3)
* Old String: 0001001000
* New String: 0000110000
void setPattern(uint64_t i_sPos, uint64_t i_sLen, uint64_t i_pattern,
uint64_t i_pLen);
* @brief Sets entire string based on the pattern and length provided.
* @param i_pattern The pattern to set (right justified).
* @param i_pLen The length of the pattern.
* @note See definition above for prerequisites.
* @post The entire string is filled with the pattern.
* @post The pattern is repeated/truncated as needed.
void setPattern(uint64_t i_pattern, uint64_t i_pLen)
setPattern(0, getBitLen(), i_pattern, i_pLen);
* @brief Sets entire string based on the pattern provided.
* @param i_pattern The pattern to set (right justified).
* @note See definition above for prerequisites.
* @post The entire string is filled with the pattern.
* @post The pattern is repeated/truncated as needed.
void setPattern(uint64_t i_pattern)
setPattern(i_pattern, sizeof(i_pattern) * 8);
* @brief Set bits in this string based on the given string.
* @param i_sStr The source string.
* @param i_sPos The starting position of the source string.
* @param i_sLen The number of bits to copy from the source string.
* @param i_dPos The starting position of the this string.
* @pre nullptr != getBufAddr()
* @pre nullptr != i_sStr.getBufAddr()
* @pre 0 < i_sLen
* @pre i_sPos + i_sLen <= i_sStr.getBitLen()
* @pre i_dPos < getBitLen()
* @post Source bits in given range are copied to this starting at i_dPos.
* @note If the length of the given string is greater than the length of
* this string, then the extra bits are ignored.
* @note If the length of the given string is less than the length of this
* string, then the extra bits in this string are not modified.
* @note This string and the source string may specify overlapping memory.
void setString(const BitString& i_sStr, uint64_t i_sPos, uint64_t i_sLen,
uint64_t i_dPos = 0);
* @brief Set bits in this string based on the provided string.
* @param i_sStr The source string.
* @note This will try to copy as much of the source as possible to this
* string, starting with the first bit in each string.
* @note See the other definition of this function for details and
* restrictions.
void setString(const BitString& i_sStr)
setString(i_sStr, 0, i_sStr.getBitLen());
* @brief Masks (clears) any bits set in this string that correspond to bits
* set in the given string (this & ~mask).
* @param i_mask The mask string (right justified).
* @note If the length of the given string is greater than the length of
* this string, then the extra bits are ignored.
* @note If the length of the given string is less than the length of this
* string, then the extra bits in this string are not modified.
void maskString(const BitString& i_mask);
* @param i_str The string to compare.
* @return True if the strings are equivalent, false otherwise.
* @pre Both strings must be of equal length and have same values to be
* equal.
bool isEqual(const BitString& i_str) const;
/** @return True if there are no bit set(1) in this bit string, false
* otherwise. */
bool isZero() const;
* @param i_pos The starting position of the target range.
* @param i_len The length of the target range.
* @return The number of bits that are set(1) in given range of this string.
* @pre nullptr != getBufAddr()
* @pre i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
uint64_t getSetCount(uint64_t i_pos, uint64_t i_len) const;
/** @return The number of bits that are set(1) in this string. */
uint64_t getSetCount() const
return getSetCount(0, getBitLen());
/** @brief Comparison operator. */
bool operator==(const BitString& i_str) const
return isEqual(i_str);
* @brief Less-than operator.
* The purpose of this function is primarily for sorting these objects in
* data structures like map and vector. It does not guarantee a less than
* comparison of the bit strings because bit strings can vary in length and
* it is difficult to define that kind of comparison.
bool operator<(const BitString& i_str) const;
/** @brief Bitwise NOT operator. */
BitStringBuffer operator~() const;
/** @brief Bitwise AND operator. */
BitStringBuffer operator&(const BitString& i_bs) const;
/** @brief Bitwise OR operator. */
BitStringBuffer operator|(const BitString& i_bs) const;
/** @brief Right shift operator. */
BitStringBuffer operator>>(uint64_t i_shift) const;
/** @brief Left shift operator. */
BitStringBuffer operator<<(uint64_t i_shift) const;
* @brief Explicitly disables copy from BitString.
* Prevents assigning a BitString& to a BitString, which would strip
* polymorphism.
BitString(const BitString& i_bs) = delete;
* @brief Explicitly disables assignment from BitStringBuffer.
* Allowing this would be dangerous if the BitStringBuffer goes out of scope
* because the BitString would point to memory that is no longer in context.
BitString& operator=(const BitStringBuffer& i_bsb) = delete;
* @brief Explicitly disables copy from BitStringBuffer.
* Allowing this would be dangerous if the BitStringBuffer goes out of scope
* because the BitString would point to memory that is no longer in context.
BitString(const BitStringBuffer& i_bsb) = delete;
protected: // functions
* @param i_newBufAddr The starting address of the new bit string buffer.
* @pre Before calling this function, make sure you deallocate the old
* buffer to avoid memory leaks.
void setBufAddr(void* i_newBufAddr)
iv_bufAddr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(i_newBufAddr);
/** @param i_newBitLen The new bit length of this bit string buffer. */
void setBitLen(uint64_t i_newBitLen)
iv_bitLen = i_newBitLen;
private: // functions
* @brief Given a bit position within the bit string, this function returns
* the address that contains the bit position and the bit position
* relative to that address.
* @param o_relPos The returned relative position.
* @param i_absPos The inputted absolute position.
* @return The relative address.
* @pre nullptr != getBufAddr()
* @pre i_absPos < getBitLen()
uint8_t* getRelativePosition(uint64_t& o_relPos, uint64_t i_absPos) const;
uint64_t iv_bitLen; ///< The bit length of this buffer.
uint8_t* iv_bufAddr; ///< The beginning address of this buffer.
uint64_t iv_offset; ///< Start position offset
// ##############################################################################
// BitStringBuffer class
// ##############################################################################
/** A BitStringBuffer is a BitString that maintains its own buffer in memory. It
* guarantees that sufficient memory is allocated and deallocated in the
* constructor and destructor, respectively. In addition, the assignment
* operator will adjust the amount of memory needed, as necessary, for the
* assignment. */
class BitStringBuffer : public BitString
public: // functions
* @brief Constructor
* @param i_bitLen Number of bits in the string.
explicit BitStringBuffer(uint64_t i_bitLen);
/** @brief Destructor */
/** @brief Copy constructor from BitString */
explicit BitStringBuffer(const BitString& i_bs);
/** @brief Copy constructor from BitStringBuffer */
BitStringBuffer(const BitStringBuffer& i_bsb);
/** @brief Assignment from BitString */
BitStringBuffer& operator=(const BitString& i_bs);
/** @brief Assignment from BitStringBuffer */
BitStringBuffer& operator=(const BitStringBuffer& i_bsb);
private: // functions
/** @brief Deallocates the old buffer, if needed, and initializes the new
* buffer. */
void initBuffer();
} // end namespace libhei