blob: 8b70def9c382c527d0238e7c68f45657978a8add [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <isolator/hei_isolation_chip.hpp>
namespace libhei
* @brief Parses a buffer containing a Chip Data File and builds the necessary
* objects.
* This function will assert:
* - The buffer is a properly formated Chip Data File and contains valid data.
* - An IsolationChip object has not already been created for the chip type
* associated with the given buffer.
* @param i_buffer First address of the Chip Data File buffer.
* @param i_bufferSize Size of the Chip Data File buffer.
* @param io_isoChips This map will contain all current IsolationChip objects
* for each of the user applications chip types.
void parseChipDataFile(void* i_buffer, size_t i_bufferSize,
IsolationChip::Map& io_isoChips);
} // end namespace libhei