blob: 90aaeb461b986c3da129e31ca9d73b12fc7167dc [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <hei_includes.hpp>
#include <hei_isolation_data.hpp>
#include <register/hei_hardware_register.hpp>
#include <register/hei_register.hpp>
#include <util/hei_bit_string.hpp>
#include <util/hei_flyweight.hpp>
namespace libhei
* @brief This class contains the isolation rules and bit definition of a
* HardwareRegister used for error isolation.
* These objects are linked together as a tree. Any active bits in the
* associated register will either be a true active attention (leaf node) or
* indicate one or more active attentions occurred in a child node.
* The primary function of this class is analyze(), which will do a depth-first
* search of the tree to find all leaves and add their signatures to the
* returned isolation data.
* The tree structure is built from information in the Chip Data Files. It is
* possible that the tree could be built with loop in the isolation. This would
* be bug in the Chip Data Files. This class will keep track of all nodes that
* have been analyzed to prevent cyclic isolation (an infinite loop).
* Each isolation register will have a rule for each supported attention type.
* These rules are a combination of HardwareRegisters and operator registers to
* define rules like "REG & ~MASK & CNFG", which reads "return all bits in REG
* that are not in MASK and set in CNFG". See the definition of the Register
* class for details on how this works.
class IsolationNode
public: // Constructors, destructor, assignment
* @brief Constructor from components.
* @param i_hwReg A reference to the HardwareRegister targeted for
* isolation.
explicit IsolationNode(const HardwareRegister& i_hwReg) : iv_hwReg(i_hwReg)
/** @brief Destructor. */
~IsolationNode() = default;
// This is needed to allow the flyweights to use the copy constructor, but
// not allow it to be used in general.
friend class Flyweight<IsolationNode>;
* @brief Copy constructor.
* Needed by Flyweight class, but should not be allowed in general.
IsolationNode(const IsolationNode&) = default;
* @brief Explicitly disables assignment operator.
* This is redundant since the compilier will implicitly delete this because
* of the constant instance variables, but helps communicate it is not
* allowed.
IsolationNode& operator=(const IsolationNode&) = delete;
private: // Instance variables
* This is a reference to the HardwareRegister targeted for isolation by
* this instance of the class. The reference is required to maintain
* polymorphism.
const HardwareRegister& iv_hwReg;
* This register could report multiple types of attentions. We can use a
* register 'rule' (value) to find any active attentions for each attention
* type (key). A 'rule', like "register & ~mask", is a combination of
* HardwareRegister objects and virtual operator registers (all children
* of the Register class).
std::map<AttentionType_t, const Register*> iv_rules;
* Each bit (key) in this map indicates that an attention was driven from
* another register (value).
std::map<RegisterBit_t, const IsolationNode*> iv_children;
public: // Member functions
* @brief Finds all active attentions on this register. If an active bit is
* a leaf in the isolation tree, the bit's signature is added to the
* isolation data. Otherwise, this function is recursively called
* to analyze the child register that is driving the attention in
* this register.
* @param i_chip The target chip for isolation.
* @param i_attnType The target attention type to analyze on this register.
* Will assert a rule must exist for this attention type.
* @param io_isoData The isolation data returned back to the user
* application.
* @return True, if any active attentions found on this register.
* False, otherwise.
bool analyze(const Chip& i_chip, AttentionType_t i_attnType,
IsolationData& io_isoData) const;
// TODO: The next two functions are only intended to be used during
// initialization of the isolator. Consider, making them private and
// make the Chip Data File code friends of this class. So that it has
// access to these init functions.
* @brief Adds a register rule for the given attention type. See iv_rules
* for details.
* This is only intended to be used during initialization of the isolator.
* Will assert that nothing has already been defined for this rule.
* @param The target attention type.
* @param The rule for this attention type.
void addRule(AttentionType_t i_attnType, const Register* i_rule);
* @brief Adds a child register to analyze for the given bit in this
* register. See iv_children for details.
* This is only intended to be used during initialization of the isolator.
* Will assert that nothing has already been defined for this bit.
* @param The target bit on this register.
* @param The child register to analyze for the given bit.
void addChild(RegisterBit_t i_bit, const IsolationNode* i_child);
public: // Operators
/** @brief Equals operator. */
bool operator==(const IsolationNode& i_r) const
// iv_hwReg should be unique per IsolationNode.
return (iv_hwReg == i_r.iv_hwReg);
/** @brief Less than operator. */
bool operator<(const IsolationNode& i_r) const
// iv_hwReg should be unique per IsolationNode.
return (iv_hwReg < i_r.iv_hwReg);
private: // Isolation stack and supporting functions.
/** When analyze() is called at the tree root, all recursive calls to
* analyze() will target the same chip and attention type. So we only need
* to keep track of the nodes that have been analyzed to avoid cyclic
* isolation (an infinite loop). In fact, we only need to keep track of the
* nodes directly from this node to the root node. As long as this node
* does not already exist in the list, we can be sure there will not be a
* loop. So the list can be treated as a stack. When analyze() is called on
* a node, that node is pushed to the top of the stack (as long as it
* doesn't already exist in the stack). Then, just before analyze() exits,
* this node can be popped off the top of the stack. Once all the recursive
* calls have returned back to the root node the stack should be empty.
static std::vector<const IsolationNode*> cv_isolationStack;
* @brief Pushes this node to the top of the stack. Will assert that this
* node does not already exist in cv_isolationStack.
void pushIsolationStack() const;
/** @brief Pops the top node off of cv_isolationStack. */
void popIsolationStack() const
/** Simple map to ensure only one root IsolationNode per attention type. */
using RootNodeMap = std::map<AttentionType_t, const IsolationNode*>;
} // end namespace libhei