blob: f10589d6089d9cdd6004a11eb284e11765876729 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <chip_data/hei_chip_data.hpp>
#include <chip_data/hei_chip_data_stream.hpp>
namespace libhei
using FileKeyword_t = uint64_t;
constexpr FileKeyword_t KW_CHIPDATA = 0x4348495044415441; // "CHIPDATA" ASCII
using SectionKeyword_t = uint32_t;
constexpr SectionKeyword_t KW_REGS = 0x43484950; // "REGS" ASCII
constexpr SectionKeyword_t KW_NODE = 0x4e4f4445; // "NODE" ASCII
constexpr SectionKeyword_t KW_ROOT = 0x524f4f54; // "ROOT" ASCII
using Version_t = uint8_t;
constexpr Version_t VERSION_1 = 0x01;
void parseChipDataFile(void* i_buffer, size_t i_bufferSize,
IsolationChipMap& io_isoChips)
ChipDataStream stream{i_buffer, i_bufferSize};
// Read the file metadata.
FileKeyword_t file_kw = 0;
ChipType_t chipType = 0;
Version_t version = 0;
stream >> file_kw >> chipType >> version;
// Check the file ID.
// This chip type should not already exist.
HEI_ASSERT(io_isoChips.end() == io_isoChips.find(chipType));
// Allocate memory for the new isolation chip.
auto isoChip = std::make_unique<IsolationChip>(chipType);
// Add this isolation chip to the collective list of isolation chips.
auto ret = io_isoChips.emplace(chipType, std::move(isoChip));
HEI_ASSERT(ret.second); // Just in case.
} // namespace libhei