blob: 6a2508e94bbffeeb40113d1b4d7ac5527aee41d6 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <chip_data/hei_chip_data.hpp>
#include <chip_data/hei_chip_data_stream.hpp>
#include <register/hei_operator_register.hpp>
#include <register/hei_scom_register.hpp>
namespace libhei
using SectionKeyword_t = uint32_t;
constexpr SectionKeyword_t KW_REGS = 0x52454753; // "REGS" ASCII
constexpr SectionKeyword_t KW_NODE = 0x4e4f4445; // "NODE" ASCII
constexpr SectionKeyword_t KW_ROOT = 0x524f4f54; // "ROOT" ASCII
using Version_t = uint8_t;
constexpr Version_t VERSION_1 = 0x01;
constexpr Version_t VERSION_2 = 0x02;
constexpr Version_t VERSION_3 = 0x03;
void __readRegister(ChipDataStream& io_stream, IsolationChip::Ptr& io_isoChip)
// Read the register metadata.
RegisterId_t id;
RegisterType_t type;
RegisterAttributeFlags_t attr;
Instance_t numInsts;
io_stream >> id >> type >> attr >> numInsts;
// Must have at least one instance.
HEI_ASSERT(0 != numInsts);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInsts; i++)
// Read the register instance metadata.
Instance_t inst;
io_stream >> inst;
// The address size is dependent on the register type.
if (REG_TYPE_SCOM == type)
uint32_t addr; // 4-byte address.
io_stream >> addr;
// Get this register from the flyweight factory.
auto& factory = Flyweight<const ScomRegister>::getSingleton();
auto hwReg = factory.get(id, inst, attr, addr);
// Add this register to the isolation chip.
else if (REG_TYPE_ID_SCOM == type)
uint64_t addr; // 8-byte address.
io_stream >> addr;
// Get this register from the flyweight factory.
auto& factory = Flyweight<const IdScomRegister>::getSingleton();
auto hwReg = factory.get(id, inst, attr, addr);
// Add this register to the isolation chip.
HEI_ASSERT(false); // Register type unsupported.
Register::ConstPtr __readExpr(ChipDataStream& io_stream,
const IsolationChip::Ptr& i_isoChip,
IsolationNode::Ptr& io_isoNode)
Register::ConstPtr expr{};
uint8_t exprType;
io_stream >> exprType;
switch (exprType)
case 0x01: // register reference
RegisterId_t regId;
Instance_t regInst;
io_stream >> regId >> regInst;
// Find the hardware register that is stored in this isolation chip
// and add it to the list of capture registers. This ensures all
// registers referenced in the rules are are captured by default.
// Note that this will assert that the target register must exist in
// the isolation chip.
auto hwReg = i_isoChip->getHardwareRegister({regId, regInst});
// Add the register to the isolation node.
// Simply return this register.
expr = hwReg;
case 0x02: // integer constant
auto& factory = Flyweight<const ConstantRegister>::getSingleton();
if (REG_TYPE_SCOM == io_isoNode->getRegisterType() ||
REG_TYPE_ID_SCOM == io_isoNode->getRegisterType())
uint64_t constant; // 8-byte value
io_stream >> constant;
// Create the constant register and put it in the flyweights.
expr = factory.get(constant);
HEI_ASSERT(false); // register type unsupported
case 0x10: // AND operation
auto& factory = Flyweight<const AndRegister>::getSingleton();
uint8_t numSubExpr;
io_stream >> numSubExpr;
HEI_ASSERT(2 <= numSubExpr); // must be at least two
// Read the first two sub-expressions.
auto e1 = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
auto e2 = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
HEI_ASSERT(e1 && e2); // Cannot be null
// Create the AND register and put it in the flyweights.
expr = factory.get(e1, e2);
// Iterate any remaining expressions.
for (uint8_t i = 2; i < numSubExpr; i++)
// Read the next sub-expressions.
e2 = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
HEI_ASSERT(e2); // Cannot be null
// Create the AND register and put it in the flyweights.
expr = factory.get(expr, e2);
case 0x11: // OR operation
auto& factory = Flyweight<const OrRegister>::getSingleton();
uint8_t numSubExpr;
io_stream >> numSubExpr;
HEI_ASSERT(2 <= numSubExpr); // must be at least two
// Read the first two sub-expressions.
auto e1 = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
auto e2 = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
HEI_ASSERT(e1 && e2); // Cannot be null
// Create the OR register and put it in the flyweights.
expr = factory.get(e1, e2);
// Iterate any remaining expressions.
for (uint8_t i = 2; i < numSubExpr; i++)
// Read the next sub-expressions.
e2 = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
HEI_ASSERT(e2); // Cannot be null
// Create the OR register and put it in the flyweights.
expr = factory.get(expr, e2);
case 0x12: // NOT operation
auto& factory = Flyweight<const NotRegister>::getSingleton();
// Read the sub-expression
auto e = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
HEI_ASSERT(e); // Cannot be null
// Create the NOT register and put it in the flyweights.
expr = factory.get(e);
case 0x13: // left shift operation
auto& factory = Flyweight<const LeftShiftRegister>::getSingleton();
uint8_t shiftValue;
io_stream >> shiftValue;
// Read the sub-expression
auto e = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
HEI_ASSERT(e); // Cannot be null
// Create the left shift register and put it in the flyweights.
expr = factory.get(e, shiftValue);
case 0x14: // right shift operation
auto& factory = Flyweight<const RightShiftRegister>::getSingleton();
uint8_t shiftValue;
io_stream >> shiftValue;
// Read the sub-expression
auto e = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, io_isoNode);
HEI_ASSERT(e); // Cannot be null
// Create the right shift register and put it in the flyweights.
expr = factory.get(e, shiftValue);
HEI_ASSERT(false); // unsupported expression type
return expr;
using TmpChildNodeMap = std::map<BitPosition_t, IsolationNode::Key>;
using TmpNodeData = std::pair<IsolationNode::Ptr, TmpChildNodeMap>;
using TmpNodeMap = std::map<IsolationNode::Key, TmpNodeData>;
void __readNode(ChipDataStream& io_stream, const IsolationChip::Ptr& i_isoChip,
TmpNodeMap& io_tmpNodeMap, Version_t i_version)
// Read the node metadata.
NodeId_t nodeId;
RegisterType_t regType;
Instance_t numInsts;
io_stream >> nodeId >> regType >> numInsts;
// Version 3 and above: Read any write operations that exist.
std::map<OpRuleName_t, std::pair<OpRuleType_t, RegisterId_t>> opRules;
if (VERSION_3 <= i_version)
uint8_t numOpRules;
io_stream >> numOpRules;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numOpRules; i++)
OpRuleName_t opName;
OpRuleType_t opType;
RegisterId_t regId;
io_stream >> opName >> opType >> regId;
std::pair<OpRuleType_t, RegisterId_t> tmpPair = {opType, regId};
auto ret = opRules.emplace(opName, tmpPair);
HEI_ASSERT(ret.second || ret.first->second == tmpPair);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInsts; i++)
// Read the node instance metadata.
Instance_t nodeInst;
uint8_t numCapRegs, numIsoRules, numChildNodes;
io_stream >> nodeInst >> numCapRegs >> numIsoRules >> numChildNodes;
// It is possible to have rules defined and no child nodes, However, if
// there are no rules defined (FFDC-only node), there should not be
// any child nodes defined.
HEI_ASSERT(0 != numIsoRules || 0 == numChildNodes);
// Allocate memory for this isolation node.
auto isoNode =
std::make_shared<IsolationNode>(nodeId, nodeInst, regType);
// Add capture registers.
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numCapRegs; j++)
// Read the capture register metadata.
RegisterId_t regId;
Instance_t regInst;
io_stream >> regId >> regInst;
BitPosition_t bit = MAX_BIT_POSITION; // default all bits
if (VERSION_2 <= i_version)
io_stream >> bit;
// Find the hardware register that is stored in this isolation chip
// and add it to the list of capture registers. Note that this will
// assert that the target register must exist in the isolation chip.
auto hwReg = i_isoChip->getHardwareRegister({regId, regInst});
// Add the register to the isolation node.
isoNode->addCaptureRegister(hwReg, bit);
// Add isolation rules.
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numIsoRules; j++)
// Read the rule metadata.
AttentionType_t attnType;
io_stream >> attnType;
// Read out the rule for this attention type.
auto rule = __readExpr(io_stream, i_isoChip, isoNode);
HEI_ASSERT(rule); // Cannot be null
// Add the rule to the isolation node.
isoNode->addRule(attnType, rule);
// At this point, we will need to read out the child node metadata.
// However, we can't look up the child nodes and add them to this
// isolation node yet because we are still in the process of parsing
// them out of the Chip Data File. Therefore, we'll save a temporary map
// containing the child node information which will be used to look up
// the actual node objects later.
TmpChildNodeMap cMap{};
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numChildNodes; j++)
// Read the child node metadata.
BitPosition_t bit;
NodeId_t childId;
Instance_t childInst;
io_stream >> bit >> childId >> childInst;
auto ret =
cMap.emplace(bit, IsolationNode::Key{childId, childInst});
HEI_ASSERT(ret.second); // Should not have duplicate entries
// Version 3 and above: Add any write operations to the isoNode.
if (VERSION_3 <= i_version)
for (const auto& rule : opRules)
isoNode->addOpRule(rule.first, rule.second.first,
// Add this isolation node with the temporary child node map to the
// returned map of nodes.
auto ret = io_tmpNodeMap.emplace(IsolationNode::Key{nodeId, nodeInst},
TmpNodeData{isoNode, cMap});
HEI_ASSERT(ret.second); // Should not have duplicate entries
void __insertNodes(IsolationChip::Ptr& io_isoChip,
const TmpNodeMap& i_tmpNodeMap)
for (const auto& n : i_tmpNodeMap)
const IsolationNode::Ptr& node = n.second.first;
const TmpChildNodeMap& childMap = n.second.second;
// Link the child nodes, if they exist.
for (const auto& c : childMap)
const BitPosition_t& bit = c.first;
const IsolationNode::Key& childKey = c.second;
// Find the child node in the temporary map.
auto itr = i_tmpNodeMap.find(childKey);
HEI_ASSERT(i_tmpNodeMap.end() != itr); // Child node must exist.
const IsolationNode::Ptr& child = itr->second.first;
node->addChild(bit, child);
// Add this node to the isolation chip.
void __readRoot(ChipDataStream& io_stream, IsolationChip::Ptr& io_isoChip)
// Read the root node metadata.
AttentionType_t attnType;
NodeId_t id;
Instance_t inst;
io_stream >> attnType >> id >> inst;
// Add the root node.
io_isoChip->addRootNode(attnType, io_isoChip->getIsolationNode({id, inst}));
void parseChipDataFile(void* i_buffer, size_t i_bufferSize,
IsolationChip::Map& io_isoChips)
ChipDataStream stream{i_buffer, i_bufferSize};
// Read the file metadata.
FileKeyword_t fileKeyword;
ChipType_t chipType;
Version_t version;
stream >> fileKeyword >> chipType >> version;
// Check the file keyword.
// This chip type should not already exist.
HEI_ASSERT(io_isoChips.end() == io_isoChips.find(chipType));
// Check supported versions.
HEI_ASSERT(VERSION_1 <= version && version <= VERSION_3);
// Allocate memory for the new isolation chip.
auto isoChip = std::make_shared<IsolationChip>(chipType);
// Read the register list metadata.
SectionKeyword_t regsKeyword;
RegisterId_t numRegs;
stream >> regsKeyword >> numRegs;
// Check the register keyword.
HEI_ASSERT(KW_REGS == regsKeyword);
// There must be at least one register defined.
HEI_ASSERT(0 != numRegs);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numRegs; i++)
__readRegister(stream, isoChip);
// Read the node list metadata.
SectionKeyword_t nodeKeyword;
NodeId_t numNodes;
stream >> nodeKeyword >> numNodes;
// Check the node keyword.
HEI_ASSERT(KW_NODE == nodeKeyword);
// There must be at least one node defined.
HEI_ASSERT(0 != numNodes);
TmpNodeMap tmpNodeMap; // Stores all nodes with child node map.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
__readNode(stream, isoChip, tmpNodeMap, version);
// Link all nodes with their child nodes. Then add them to isoChip.
__insertNodes(isoChip, tmpNodeMap);
// Read the root node list metadata.
SectionKeyword_t rootKeyword;
AttentionType_t numRoots;
stream >> rootKeyword >> numRoots;
// Check the root node keyword.
HEI_ASSERT(KW_ROOT == rootKeyword);
// There must be at least one register defined.
HEI_ASSERT(0 != numRoots);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numRoots; i++)
__readRoot(stream, isoChip);
// At this point, the stream is done and it should be at the end of the
// file.
// Add this isolation chip to the collective list of isolation chips.
auto ret = io_isoChips.emplace(chipType, isoChip);
HEI_ASSERT(ret.second); // Just in case.
} // namespace libhei