blob: 1e7ad59477f5fb6b9b9114104a3d077711f4c3de [file] [log] [blame]
/* This is an automatically generated prolog. */
/* */
/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/iipMopRegisterAccess.h $ */
/* */
/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project */
/* */
/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017 */
/* [+] International Business Machines Corp. */
/* */
/* */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing */
/* permissions and limitations under the License. */
/* */
#ifndef iipMopRegisterAccess_h
#define iipMopRegisterAccess_h
// Class Specification *************************************************
// Class name: MopRegisterAccess
// Parent class: None.
// Summary: This class provides access to hardware register via
// a MOP routine. A single pure virtual function Access()
// is declared for this purpose.
// Cardinality: 0
// Performance/Implementation:
// Space Complexity: Constant
// Time Complexity: All member functions constant unless otherwise
// stated.
// Usage Examples:
// void foo(MopRegisterAccess & mra)
// {
// BitStringBuffer bitString(80); // 80 bits
// mra.Access(bitString, READ);
// ...
// }
// End Class Specification *********************************************
// Includes
#if !defined(IIPCONST_H)
#include <iipconst.h>
#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
namespace PRDF
// Forward References
class BitString;
class MopRegisterAccess
enum Operation
READ = 0,
// MopRegisterAccess(void);
// Function Specification ********************************************
// Purpose: Initialization
// Parameters: None.
// Returns: No value returned.
// Requirements: None.
// Promises: All data members are initialized.
// Exceptions: None.
// Concurrency: N/A
// Notes: This constructor is not declared. This compiler generated
// default definition is sufficient.
// End Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////
// MopRegisterAccess(const MopRegisterAccess & scr);
// Function Specification ********************************************
// Purpose: Copy
// Parameters: scr: Reference to instance to copy
// Returns: No value returned.
// Requirements: None.
// Promises: All data members will be copied (Deep copy).
// Exceptions: None.
// Concurrency: N/A.
// Notes: This constructor is not declared. This compiler generated
// default definition is sufficient.
// End Function Specification ****************************************
virtual ~MopRegisterAccess() {}
// Function Specification ********************************************
// Purpose: Destruction
// Parameters: None.
// Returns: No value returned
// Requirements: None.
// Promises: None.
// Exceptions: None.
// Concurrency: N/A
// End Function Specification ****************************************
// MopRegisterAccess & operator=(const MopRegisterAccess & scr);
// Function Specification ********************************************
// Purpose: Assigment
// Parameters: d: Reference to instance to assign from
// Returns: Reference to this instance
// Requirements: None.
// Promises: All data members are assigned to
// Exceptions: None.
// Concurrency: N/A.
// Notes: This assingment operator is not declared. The compiler
// generated default definition is sufficient.
// End Function Specification ****************************************
virtual uint32_t Access(BitString & bs,
uint64_t registerId,
Operation operation) const = 0;
// Function Specification ********************************************
// Purpose: This function reads or writes the hardware according
// to the specified operation.
// Parameters: bs: Bit string to retrieve(for write) or store data
// (from read)
// registerId: SCR Address or scan offset
// operation: Indicates either read or write operation
// Returns: Hardware OPs return code
// Requirements: bs.Length() == long enough
// Promises: For read operation, bs is modified to reflect hardware
// register state
// Exceptions: None.
// Concurrency: Nonreentrant.
// Note: The first bs.Length() bits from the Hardware OPs read
// are set/reset in bs (from left to right)
// For a write, the first bs.Length() bits are written
// to the hardware register with right padded 0's if
// needed
// End Function Specification ****************************************
//Get Ids and count
virtual const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t * GetChipIds(int & count) const = 0;
// Function Specification ********************************************
// Purpose: Access Chip Ids and # of chips to access
// Parameters: count: Var to return chip count of valid IDs
// Returns: ptr to Chip ids
// Requirements: None
// Promises: None
// Exceptions: None.
// Concurrency: Reentrant.
// End Function Specification ****************************************
} // end namespace PRDF