blob: 2f79ba7657497e505890af1cb3e3a491e4ffebff [file] [log] [blame]
#include <hei_chip.hpp>
#include <register/hei_operator_register.hpp>
#include <util/hei_flyweight.hpp>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace libhei;
constexpr uint16_t CONST1 = 0x1458;
constexpr uint16_t CONST2 = 0x5368;
#define MATH(x) static_cast<uint16_t>(x)
uint64_t __getVal(Register::ConstPtr i_reg)
Chip CHIP{nullptr, 0};
auto bs = i_reg->getBitString(CHIP);
return bs->getFieldRight(0, bs->getBitLen());
size_t __getBW(Register::ConstPtr i_reg)
Chip CHIP{nullptr, 0};
return i_reg->getBitString(CHIP)->getBitLen();
TEST(OperatorRegisterTest, BasicOperations)
auto const1 = std::make_shared<const ConstantRegister>(CONST1);
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST1), __getVal(const1));
auto const2 = std::make_shared<const ConstantRegister>(CONST2);
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST2), __getVal(const2));
auto and1 = std::make_shared<const AndRegister>(const1, const2);
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST1 & CONST2), __getVal(and1));
auto or1 = std::make_shared<const OrRegister>(const1, const2);
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST1 | CONST2), __getVal(or1));
auto not1 = std::make_shared<const NotRegister>(const1);
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(~CONST1), __getVal(not1));
auto not2 = std::make_shared<const NotRegister>(const2);
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(~CONST2), __getVal(not2));
TEST(OperatorRegisterTest, BasicOperationsWithFlyweights)
auto& const_factory = Flyweight<const ConstantRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& and_factory = Flyweight<const AndRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& or_factory = Flyweight<const OrRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& not_factory = Flyweight<const NotRegister>::getSingleton();
auto const1 = const_factory.get(CONST1);
auto const2 = const_factory.get(CONST2);
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST1), __getVal(const1));
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST2), __getVal(const2));
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST1 & CONST2), __getVal(and_factory.get(const1, const2)));
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST1 | CONST2), __getVal(or_factory.get(const1, const2)));
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(~CONST1), __getVal(not_factory.get(const1)));
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(~CONST2), __getVal(not_factory.get(const2)));
TEST(OperatorRegisterTest, ShiftOperations)
auto& const_factory = Flyweight<const ConstantRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& lshift_factory = Flyweight<const LeftShiftRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& rshift_factory = Flyweight<const RightShiftRegister>::getSingleton();
auto const1 = const_factory.get(CONST1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < __getBW(const1); i++)
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST1 << i), __getVal(lshift_factory.get(const1, i)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < __getBW(const1); i++)
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(CONST1 >> i), __getVal(rshift_factory.get(const1, i)));
TEST(OperatorRegisterTest, ComplexOperation)
// Something seemingly complex:
// ~(((CONST1 & CONST2) << 12) | ((CONST1 | CONST2) >> 4)))
auto& const_factory = Flyweight<const ConstantRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& and_factory = Flyweight<const AndRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& or_factory = Flyweight<const OrRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& not_factory = Flyweight<const NotRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& lshift_factory = Flyweight<const LeftShiftRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& rshift_factory = Flyweight<const RightShiftRegister>::getSingleton();
auto const1 = const_factory.get(CONST1);
auto const2 = const_factory.get(CONST2);
auto lshift = lshift_factory.get(and_factory.get(const1, const2), 12);
auto rshift = rshift_factory.get(or_factory.get(const1, const2), 4);
auto expr = not_factory.get(or_factory.get(lshift, rshift));
ASSERT_EQ(MATH(~(((CONST1 & CONST2) << 12) | ((CONST1 | CONST2) >> 4))),
TEST(OperatorRegisterTest, ConstRegConstructor)
auto& const_factory = Flyweight<const ConstantRegister>::getSingleton();
auto& and_factory = Flyweight<const AndRegister>::getSingleton();
// The ConstRegister constructor is a template that requires some integer
// type.
auto const1 = const_factory.get(CONST1); // CONST1 is uint16_t, GOOD
auto const2 = const_factory.get(uint16_t{0x1458}); // This also works
ASSERT_EQ(const1, const2); // Should point to the same thing.
// If you pass in a constant with no type the compiler assumes it is the
// implicit int type. This value is the same as const2, but the size will be
// different.
auto const3 = const_factory.get(0x1458);
// The values are the same, but the bit strings are are different sizes.
ASSERT_NE(const2, const3);
// AND and OR operators will not like different sizes either.
ASSERT_DEATH(and_factory.get(const2, const3), "");