blob: 66ca8d79e047989e983e6609f96b0fee64e07c6e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<attn_node name="MCBISTFIR" model_ec="EXPLORER_10" reg_type="SCOM">
<local_fir name="MCBISTFIR" config="W">
<instance reg_inst="0" addr="0x08011800" />
<action attn_type="UCS" config="00" />
<action attn_type="RE" config="01" />
<action attn_type="HA" config="10" />
<bit pos= "0" >Invalid maint address</bit>
<bit pos= "1" >Command address timeout</bit>
<bit pos= "2" >Internal FSM error</bit>
<bit pos= "3" >MCBIST broadcast out of sync</bit>
<bit pos= "4" >MCBIST data error</bit>
<bit pos= "5" >Hard NCE ETE attn</bit>
<bit pos= "6" >Soft NCE ETE attn</bit>
<bit pos= "7" >Int NCE ETE attn</bit>
<bit pos= "8" >RCE ETE attn</bit>
<bit pos= "9" >ICE (IMPE) ETE attn</bit>
<bit pos="10" >MCBIST program complete</bit>
<bit pos="11" >MCBIST CCS subtest done</bit>
<bit pos="12" >WAT debug bus attn</bit>
<bit pos="13" >SCOM recoverable register parity error</bit>
<bit pos="14" >SCOM fatal reg parity error</bit>
<bit pos="15" >SCOM WAT and debug reg parity error</bit>
<bit pos="16:17">Reserved</bit>
<bit pos="18" >Internal SCOM error</bit>
<bit pos="19" >Internal SCOM error clone</bit>