blob: 78681c5db4c2f0ddf878d3dae08e7f58c85abd39 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<attn_node model_ec="P10_10" name="MC_MISC_FIR" reg_type="SCOM">
<local_fir config="W2" name="MC_MISC_FIR">
<instance addr="0x0C010F00" reg_inst="0"/>
<instance addr="0x0D010F00" reg_inst="1"/>
<instance addr="0x0E010F00" reg_inst="2"/>
<instance addr="0x0F010F00" reg_inst="3"/>
<action attn_type="CS" config="000"/>
<action attn_type="RE" config="010"/>
<action attn_type="SPA" config="100"/>
<action attn_type="UCS" config="110"/>
<action attn_type="HA" config="001"/>
<bit pos="0">WAT Debug Bus Attention. This is a way for the WAT debug bus to trigger an attention.</bit>
<bit pos="1">SCOM DBGSRC Register parity Error. Indicates that control register for Debug logic has taken a parity error.</bit>
<bit pos="2">SCOM Recoverable Register Parity Error. This bit is set when a recoverable parity error on SCOM registers AACR or MCDBG_SCOM_CFG takes place. These register errors are config-related, unable to corrupt data or mainline.</bit>
<bit pos="3">Spare fir; hooked up to the parity error dectect of the SPARE scom register</bit>
<bit pos="4">Indicates that an application interrupt was received from the OCMB on</bit>
<bit pos="5">Indicates that an application interrupt was received from the OCMB on</bit>
<bit pos="6">Indicates that an application interrupt was received from the OCMB on</bit>
<bit pos="7">Indicates that an application interrupt was received from the OCMB on</bit>
<bit pos="8">Parity Error taken on MCEBUSEN[0,1,2,3] regs.</bit>
<bit pos="9">Parity Error taken on WAT* Regs.</bit>
<bit pos="10">Reserved Fir Bit 10.</bit>
<bit pos="11">Reserved Fir Bit 11.</bit>